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The Philosophy of Education

Educ 202
Advanced Philosophy of Education
Etymology of Philosophy

Philo (Greek) – means “love of” or

“friendships for”
Sophia (Latin) – means “wisdom”
Philosophy therefore is the love of
wisdom or the love of truth.
Difference between Philosophy and

Philosophy and theory are two terms that

we often encounter in the field of academic.
Philosophy is basically the study of the
fundamental nature of knowledge, reality,
and existence. Theory is a supposition or a
system of ideas that is intended to explain
something. This is the key difference
between philosophy and theory.
What is Educational Practice?

This is a wide range of individual

activities, policies, and program
approaches to achieving positive
changes in student attitudes or
academic behaviors.
What is Wisdom?

It is the ability to perceive or

determine what is good, true or
Thoughts to consider:
Wisdom is not the same with
 There are lots of people who are
intelligent and yet they are so mean. It
is because their intelligence is not
transformed into wisdom.
 Intelligence which is not transformed
into wisdom is nothing.
Two kinds of Wisdom
I. Natural Wisdom- acquired by reason
alone. This is classified as:
1. External senses- knowledge/wisdom
acquired through sense of sight, hearing,
smell, taste and touch.
2. Internal senses- abstraction/perception,
judgment, reasoning, memory, imagination
and instinct.
II. Supernatural Wisdom- It is a level
of wisdom acquired by reason
illumined by faith. It transcends
natural wisdom and fully understands
the spiritual truths that is tied up with
the absolute good (God). It gives man
sense value with the ultimate purpose
of goodness of means and ends.
Nature of Philosophy

It is dynamic and progressive.

It is a life-long search for the truth.
It is universal.
It is a life-long search for the truth
of the meaning of our experiences.
What is Philosophy of

All teachers have a personal

philosophy that colors the way they
Engaging in philosophy helps clarify
what they do or intend to do, justify or
explain why they do what they do in a
logical, systematic manner.
Understanding Yourself in
Relation to Others
Who are they and what they intend to be?
Why they do this/these
Eric Berne’s three important questions:
Who am I?
Why am I here?
Who are all these other people, what do
they want from me, and what could I do for
The meaning of Philosophical

“Whatever people choose to

embrace, if their choices are
made in a logical, rational
manner, they are engaged in the
process of doing philosophy.”
Three specific areas of philosophical

Metaphysics - concerned with

questions about the nature of reality
Epistemology - concerned with the
nature of knowledge
Axiology - concerned with the nature
of values
Philosopher’s Concerns
What is the good life?
What is the importance of reason?
Moderation in all things…balance in
leading one’s life: reason is the instrument
to help individuals achieve balance and

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