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• A web server is software and hardware that uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and
other protocols to respond to client requests made over the World Wide Web. The main job
of a web server is to display website content through storing, processing and delivering
webpages to users. Besides HTTP, web servers also support SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol) and FTP (File Transfer Protocol), used for email, file transfer and storage.
• Web server hardware is connected to the internet and allows data to be exchanged with
other connected devices, while web server software controls how a user accesses hosted
files. The web server process is an example of the client/server model. All computers that
host websites must have web server software.
• A web browser is an application for accessing websites. When a user requests a web page
 from a particular website, the browser retrieves its files from a web server and then displays
the page on the user's screen. Browsers are used on a range of devices, including desktops, 
laptops, tablets, and smartphones. In 2020, an estimated 4.9 billion people have used a
browser.[1] The most used browser is Google Chrome, with a 65% global market share on all
devices, followed by Safari with 18%.[2]
• A web browser is not the same thing as a search engine, though the two are often confused.[3]
 A search engine is a website that provides links to other websites. However, to connect to a
website's server and display its web pages, a user must have a web browser installed. [5] In
some technical contexts, browsers are referred to as "user agents".

• Domain Name- A domain name is a string of text that maps to an alphanumeric IP address, used to access a website
from client software. In plain English, a domain name is the text that a user types into a browser window to reach a
particular website. For instance, the domain name for Google is ‘’.
• Site files- Site files have all the elements of your website which may include images, documents, templates, and
HTML files.
• Web Host- Web hosting is a service that allows organizations and individuals to post a website or web page onto the
Internet. A web host, or web hosting service provider, is a business that provides the technologies and services
needed for the website or webpage to be viewed in the Internet.
• Content Management System- A content management system (CMS) is an application that is used to manage
content, allowing multiple contributors to create, edit and publish. Content in a CMS is typically stored in a database
and displayed in a presentation layer based on a set of templates like a website.
• URL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator and is a
reference (an address) to a resource on the Internet. A URL has
two main components: Protocol identifier: For the URL , the protocol identifier is http . Resource
name: For the URL , the resource name is .

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