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Reported Speech


Reported speech, also known as indirect speech, is used to relay or report what
someone else has said. It is a very useful tool in business and formal
communication, as well as in everyday conversation. Reported speech usually
involves a change in tense, pronouns, and time expressions.

For example, direct speech: "I am working on the project," changes to reported
speech: "He said he was working on the project."

Convert the following direct speech sentences to reported speech:

a. "I will finish the project tomorrow," said Tom. Tom said he will finished the project

b. "We have met the deadline," the team announced. The team announced they met
the deadline
c. "Our manager is planning a meeting next week," she mentioned. She mentioned
her manager is planning a meeting next week
d. "I can't come to the office today," John informed. John informed he could not
come to the office today
Write reported speech sentences for the following situations:
a. Your colleague told you that she was going on vacation next week.
b. Your boss said that the company's profits have increased this year.
c. Your friend told you he didn't pass the test.
Correct the mistakes in these sentences:
a. "He said he don't like coffee." He said he didn’t like…
b. "She told that she will be late today." She told that she would be late today
c. "They announced they has finished the project." They announced they have
finished …
d. "The teacher said us that the homework is due tomorrow." The teacher said to us
that the homework is due tomorrow
Imagine a conversation you had recently at work or with a friend. Write four
sentences summarizing that conversation using reported speech.

She told me that they were moving to another country

She mentioned that the migration process was simple
She said that their parents were happy and healthy
She told me that they would organized something when you were here

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