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Linking Words

Linking words, also known as connectors or conjunctions, are words or phrases that we
use to combine or link ideas within our speech or writing. They help maintain smooth
flow and coherence in our sentences, paragraphs, or texts, providing logical
connections between ideas.

There are various types of linking words, each serving different purposes
Additive linking words express addition, introduction, similarity to other ideas, etc.
Examples include: and, in addition, furthermore, also, similarly, equally, etc.

Example: Robert enjoys running, and he also plays basketball.

Adversative linking words express contrast, concession, or dismissal. Examples: but,
however, on the other hand, nevertheless, yet, despite, in spite of, etc.

Example: Julia works as a project coordinator. However, she is interested in exploring

job opportunities in the United States.
Causal linking words express cause, reason, consequence, etc. Examples: because,
since, as, therefore, thus, consequently, etc.

Example: Because she is moving to the United States, Julia is looking for a new job.
Sequential linking words express sequence, summarizing, or conclusion. Examples:
first, second, finally, in conclusion, to summarize, etc.

Example: First, Robert developed his project coordinating skills. Finally, he is now ready
to take his career to the next level.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate linking words:

Robert is skilled in project coordination, _____ he also enjoys extracurricular activities like
running and basketball.

_____ moving to the United States, Julia needs to find a new job.

Julia loves her current job, _____ she is excited about the prospect of working in a new

He plays basketball on weekends. _____, he runs every morning to maintain his fitness.
Alice loves to read, _____ she also enjoys writing her own stories.

_____ being highly qualified, Bob hasn't managed to find a job in his field.

Claire had a headache, _____ she went to bed early.

David wants to lose weight. _____, he goes to the gym every day.

_____ arriving late, Emily was able to catch the last part of the lecture.
More Linking Words
Additive Linking Words:

Also, and, as well as, furthermore, in addition, likewise, moreover, not only... but also,
similarly, besides, too, what's more, equally.

Adversative Linking Words:

Albeit, although, but, despite, even though, however, in contrast, in spite of, instead,
nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, otherwise, still, though, whereas,
while, yet.
Causal Linking Words:

Accordingly, as a result, because, consequently, due to, for this reason, hence, in order
to, since, so, so that, therefore, thus, owing to.

Sequential Linking Words:

After, as soon as, before, finally, first, second, third, in the end, lastly, next, then, to
begin with, to conclude, to summarize, ultimately.

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