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Involving One
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. illustrate null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis,
level of significance, rejection region, and type of
errors in hypothesis testing;
2. solve problems involving test of hypothesis on the
population mean; and
3. be competent in learning and in doing the activities.
Values Integration: Competence

Hypothesis testing is considered as an important tool for

research. When you are introduced with new topics, It would
be better if you will also do some research to help you
understand more the topic. Learning is not merely acquiring
knowledge. It is developing the sense of being curious, thirst
for learning, and self-development. Remember, “If you want
to be successful, don’t seek success – seek competence,
empowerment; do nothing short of the best you can do.” –
Jaggi Vasudev

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