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My Autobiography

From innocence to

John Rey N. Gabarda

• My name is John Rey N. Gabarda, and this is
the story of my life, from the moment I took
my first breath until my 11th year of high
school. Join me as I recount the joys,
challenges, and growth I’ve experienced along
the way
A World Of Wonder
• I was born on May 7th, 2005, in Zone 4, Palsong, Bula, Cam Sur. From
the beginning, I was surrounded by a loving family that nurtured my
curiosity. My early years were filled with exploration, laughter, and
countless adventures in our backyard. I vividly remember my first
steps and the joy on my parents’ faces.
Kindergarten Days
• At the age of five, I embarked
on my educational journey.
Kindergarten/Headstart was
an exciting place with colorful
classrooms, friendly teachers,
and new friends. I learned to
share, express myself through
art, and sing nursery rhymes. I
cherished every day, where
learning was all about fun and
Elementary Years
• Elementary school brought both
challenges and triumphs. I recall
the excitement of my first day,
lugging around a big backpack and
meeting new classmates. As the
years passed, I became engrossed
in reading, writing short stories,
and solving math problems. The
highlight of each day was recess,
where friendships blossomed, and
games fueled our youthful spirits.
Middle School Struggle
• Entering sixth grade marked a
significant transition into middle
school. Suddenly, homework piled up,
social dynamics became complex, and
hormones began to surge. Navigating
this new terrain was tough, but I
discovered my love for sports and
joined the school band, where I
learned to play the drum. Despite the
challenges, I grew resilient, developing
the skills to overcome obstacles.
High School Adventure
• The journey continued into high school, where I embraced a world of
possibilities. Freshman year brought a mix of nervousness and
excitement, navigating a larger campus and meeting new teachers.
Sophomore and junior years challenged me academically, but I found
solace in extracurricular activities, such as volunteering and playing on
the school’s baseball team.
Life in Born Again Christian (religion)
• I am Christian Born Again since I am a child I’m enjoying
being a christian not because it was fun but because
Jesus Christ shows how good, wonderful, powerful he is
in my life. Until now I’m serving in God my father in
heaven, I go to church in our house of worship in
bulilacao palsong bula cam sur. I’m a member of worship
team in our church I’m a current drummer, and I’m also
playing bass guitar. I loved praising and worshipping God
because it’s make me feel a peaceful mind.
Senior High School Life
• I’m currently at 11th grade in Palsong National
High School the first day of this school year I
was exited for all of a sudden. I met my new
classmates and turned it into a friends that
helps me to be more matured, strong, and
focused in academic learning. In this year is full
of struggle, obstacle to face off. I fullfil and
breakthrough all of that thanks for my family’s,
classmates, bestfriend that always be their for
me to help. I’m so grateful to have this kind of
classmates that became friendships.
• My life has been a tapestry of growth, filled with both memorable moments and tough lessons.
From the innocence of childhood to the complexities of adolescence, every experience has
shaped me into the person I am today. I eagerly await the next chapter of my life, eager to see
where my path will lead.

Thank you!!!!

John Rey N. Gabarda

11 – Stem Lamborghini

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