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Quarter 1
1. The periodicity of tremors are precursing to
a major earthquake. The first shocks
weakens the building and aftershocks which
may occur minutes or soon after the first
shock usually brings down the weakened
structures, so you must quickly run out into
open spaces after the first shock.
2. DROP down onto your hands and knees
before the earthquake knocks you down.
This position protects you from falling but
allows you to still move if necessary.
3. COVER your head and neck (and your entire
body if possible) underneath a sturdy table
or desk.
4. HOLD ON to your shelter (or to your head
and neck) until the shaking stops. Be
prepared to move with your shelter if the
shaking shifts it around.
Quarter 1
1. Do not walk through flowing water.
Most drownings occur during flash
2. Remember the phrase “Turn
Around, Don't Drown!” Don't drive
through flooded roads. Cars can be
swept away in only two feet of
moving water.
3. Do not drive around road barriers.
4. Avoid electrical hazards inside or
outside your home.

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