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Harm and benefits of drug

Members name

1) Muhammad Alfi Fahrezi

2) Mochammad Abu Jibril
3) Fajri Nur Afriansyah
4) Ananta Gunamarwan
What are drugs
Drugs are substances that if entered
in the human body, either orally /
drunk , inhaled, can change a
person thoughts, moods or fellings,
and behavior
Dangers of drugs for teenager

1. Can cause varius diseases such as heart

diseases,hepatitis etc.
2. Uncontrolled emotions such as anger and
3. Mentally damaging and makes drug user easily
Kinds of drugs

1. Cocaine : cocaine is made from an

extract of coca plant, and comes in
the from of a white powder of fine
white crystals.
2. Marijuana : marijuana is made from the cannabis
sativa in the flower, stem, and dried leaves and seeds.

3. Ecstasy : ecstasy is made from a synthetic derivative

of the drug amphetamine.
4. Heroin : heroin is made from the opium poppy
plant from which the flowers are extracted.

5. Methamphetamine is a type of stimulant drug that

acts on the central nervous system and is highly
harmful effects of drugs

1. Acute hallucinations
2. Changes in conciousness
3. Able to cause dependence
4. Causes drowsiness
5. Deterioration of mental and psychological health
6. Such as depression
7. Suicidal anxiety
8. And schizophrenia.
How to avoid drugs

1. Don’t be curious to try it

2. Stay away from promiscuity
3. Know the bad effects of drugs so that we realize
that is not good for us
4. Do positive activities such as sports or joining
certain organizations
Data on drug use type of cocaine, ecstasy,
amphetamine etc.
(data in the world in 2018)
• Although drugs are bad, drugs are
also useful if use under in the
supervision of a Doctor or person

• But such things rarely happen to

reduce drug abuse
Here are the benefits of positive
benefits of drugs in the medical world

1. Heroin for lung cancer patients

2. Benefits of LSD for cancer patients (LSD
{Diethylamide lysergic acid}) is a new type of
hallucinogenic chemical obtained by fungi that grow
on rye plants.
3. benefits of ecstasy on PTSD Treatment (post-
traumatic stress disorder)
4. Cocaine for surgery (As an anasthetic)
o Reporting from CN Traveller here
are the countries that legalize

2.South Africa
3.United States
• And here list of countries where marijuana is

• Colombia
• Ekuador
• Peru
• Brazil
• Bolivia
• Chile
• Argentina
• Australia
• Switzerland
• Portugal
Lets stay away from drugs

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