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After Holiday mode

Discuss following questions:

1. Tell us the funniest story about your New Year Celebration.

2. How many kilograms of Oliver salad did you eat?))) Try to
3. How were you spending these Holidays? Were you abroad or
with your family?
4. Do you like New Year? Why?/Why not?
5. Do you have New Year traditions ? Tell at least 5)))
6. Does your family have any special Christmas traditions?
7. Is your Christmas tree a real tree or an artificial tree? Why?
8. What is the typical menu for a Christmas meal in your family?
9. What was the best present that you received/gave?
10. Did you make New Year’s resolutions this year?
11. If you could change something about Christmas time, what would
it be? Why?
12. What do you usually do on Christmas day?
13. Was it hard for you to get back to work after Holidays? Why?/Why not?

14. How do you feel after long vacation?

15. What do you usually do to get back in shape after Holidays? Give us 5 tips.

16. Were you doing exercises during the Holidays? Why?/Why not?

17. Was it hard for you to get back to your sleeping schedule? How many hours
do you usually sleep?

18. Were you happy to see you colleges after Holidays? Why?/Why not?

19. Did anything change in your daily routine after Holidays? What exactly?

20. How do you motivate yourself for work? Give us 5 tips.

How to get back to work? Read the following tips and discuss. Are they
really helpful?

1. Try to think positively

Practising positivity in the days leading up to your return can help. When you are thinking about your first day back at

work, instead of focusing on the negative – such as your full inbox or a daunting client meeting – think about those

elements of your role that you enjoy.

2. Consider changes you can make

If your typical working day leaves you feeling bored and you find yourself watching the clock, the prospect of

returning to the same old routine after a fun-filled holiday may not exactly fill you with joy. For example, if your

commute is long, buy some new books, subscribe to some podcasts or watch your favourite TV programmes.
3. Add some personal touches

According to the Association for Psychological Science, creating a tidy and more personal workspace can

improve your mood – whether you’re in the office or working from home. Try adding simple touches such as a

treasured photo (perhaps a snap from your recent break) or plants that will give you an instant lift.

4. Keep your first day back as free as possible

Avoid scheduling lots of meetings and calls. Instead, schedule time in your calendar to work through your
inbox. Start by focusing on the emails you know are a priority or have been sent by key stakeholders within
the business.

5. Take some practical steps

Before you leave for the holiday, go food shopping and fill your freezer with pre-prepared lunches for work

and healthy dinners. This will take the pressure off when you return and help you adjust back to a busy

schedule. This also means you will benefit from home-cooked healthy meals instead of resorting to takeaways.
Follow the link and have some fun)))

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