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Episiotomy & repair of


Episiotomy & repair of lacerations

At the end of this session, the students will able to:

 Define Episiotomy

 Identify indication for episiotomy.

 Identify episiotomy type and laceration degree.

 Complications.

 Post procedure care.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


  It refers to a surgical incision of the female

perineum performed by the accoucheur at the time

of parturition.

 It is usually performed with scissors when the

perineum is stretched and distended, just prior to

crowning of the fetal head.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023
 To reduce the risk of laceration (tear)

 To fasten the second stage of labor as in cases of fetal or

maternal distress.
 To decrease fetal brain damage in cases of preterm or SGA.

 To conduct instrumental deliveries.

 To deliver mal-presentations, mal-position, congenital

malformation and large babies.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 Disadvantages:

 Increase the risk of infection.

 Cause pain, discomfort and dyspareunia.

 May cause severe hemorrhage and hematoma.

 Cause tissue damage

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

Indication of episiotomy
 Large sized baby.

 Preterm or SGA baby.

 Shoulder dystocia.

 Mal-presentation and mal-position.

 Rigid perineum.

 Instrumental deliveries.

 Fetal/maternal distress.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

types of Episiotomy

There are three major types:


2.mediolateral, and

3.J incisions

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

Fig 1 Types of episiotomy incisions

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 It is the most commonly used types of episiotomy

 A vertical incision is begun at the fourchette and

extended caudally in the midline.

 The goal is to release any restriction imposed

offered by the perineal body,

 which can sometimes be felt as a band of tissue

cephal and posterior to the vaginal orifice.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 Therefore, the incision should be directed

internally to minimize the amount of perineal

skin incised.

 The anatomical structures involved in the

incision include the vaginal epithelium, perineal

body, and the junction of the perineal body with

the bulbocavernosus muscle in the perineum.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023
Advantages of Median episiotomy

 It is typically easier to repair than a

mediolateral episiotomy or a spontaneous

vaginal/perineal laceration

 yields a better cosmetic result .

 it is associated with less pain postpartum.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 The apex of a median episiotomy points

directly towards the maternal anus,

 so if an extension occurs, the anal sphincter is

at high risk of injury.

 The incidence of third and fourth degree

obstetric laceration is higher with a median

episiotomy compared to that with
mediolateral episiotomy or no episiotomy
BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023
 It is more commonly employed in Europe and the

Commonwealth countries.
 The incision is initiated at the fourchette and cut at an

angle (usually to the maternal right for right handed

clinicians) that may be almost perpendicular to the
 however, this angle becomes smaller, approaching 45

degrees, when the perineum is no longer stretched and

distorted by the fetal presenting part.
BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

 The anatomical structures incised include the vaginal

epithelium, transverse perineal and bulbocavernosus

muscles, and perineal skin.

 If the incision is large, adipose tissue within

ischiorectal fossa may be exposed.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 The major advantage of the mediolateral episiotomy is that

the surgical incision is directed away from the maternal

anal sphincter,

 The incidence of third and fourth degree lacerations is less.

 It is associated with a two- to four-fold reduction in these

injuries compared to no episiotomy .

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 It is associated with more blood loss .

 The repair is also more technically


 It is associated with more postpartum pain

and dyspareunia than either midline or no

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023
J incision

 This technique is favored by some practitioners,

but is not widely used.

 The purpose of the "J" incision is to combine the

advantages of the median and mediolateral

techniques, while avoiding their disadvantages.
The incision starts at the fourchette, is initially
extended caudally in the midline and then curved
laterally at an angle, similar to the letter "J”
BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023
The anatomical structures incised include the

vaginal epithelium, perineal body, and the junction

of the perineal body with the bulbocavernosus

muscle and perineal skin. Ideally, the transverse

perineal muscle is spared because the lateral part of

the incision should be below this muscle; however,

it is difficult to ensure that it is not incised.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

 Analgesia : Adequate analgesia should be available

before performing an episiotomy.

 Provide emotional support and encouragement. Use

local infiltration with lignocaine or a pudendal block.

 Make sure there are no known allergies to lignocaine

or related drugs.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 Review general care principles and apply antiseptic

solution to the perineal area.

 Infiltrate beneath the vaginal mucosa, beneath the

skin of the perineum and deeply into the perineal

muscle using about 10 mL 0.5% lignocaine solution.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

Fig 1 Infiltration of perineal tissue with local

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 Timing: the optimal time for cutting the episiotomy

is unclear.
 Excessive blood loss can result from making the

incision too early,

 but protection of the maternal perineum may be

compromised if it is made too late and the fetal head

has already torn perineal muscle and fascia.
BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

 A reasonable approach is to perform the procedure

with the expectation of delivering the fetus within

the next three to four contractions

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 Wait to perform episiotomy until:

   The perineum is thinned out; and

   The head crowns i.e. 3–4 cm of the baby’s head is visible

during a contraction

 Performing an episiotomy will cause bleeding.

 It should not, therefore, be done too early

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 Wearing high-level disinfected gloves, place two

fingers between the baby’s head and the perineum .

 Use scissors to cut the perineum about 3–4 cm in

the medio-lateral direction.

 Use scissors to cut 2–3 cm up the middle of the

posterior vagina.
BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

 Control the baby’s head and shoulders as they

deliver, ensuring that the shoulders have rotated to

the midline to prevent an extension of the
 Carefully examine for extensions and other tears

and repair .
 Making the incision while inserting two fingers to

protect the baby’s head .

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023
FIG.3 Making the incision while inserting two fingers to protect the
baby’s head

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

Rationale for episiotomy

 Reduction in third and fourth degree tears

 Ease of repair and improved wound healing

 Preservation of the muscular and fascial support of the

pelvic floor

 Reduction in neonatal trauma, such as with the

premature infant (soft cranium) or macrosomic infant

(shoulder dystocia)
BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

 Reduction in dystocia by increasing the diameter of

the soft tissue outlet

 Expedited delivery of fetuses with non reassuring

fetal heart rate tracings.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 An episiotomy is performed to enlarge the pelvic soft tissue

outlet and thereby prevent severe spontaneous perineal

lacerations, facilitate delivery, and shorten the time to fetal


 It is recommended avoiding routine episiotomy (median or

mediolateral), given there is no proven benefit to this

practice .
BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

 Use of episiotomy be limited to deliveries with a

high risk of severe perineal laceration, significant

soft tissue dystocia, or need to facilitate delivery of

a possibly compromised fetus

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 There is inadequate evidence that episiotomy results in

more postpartum pain than not performing an episiotomy.

 The possibility of sexual dysfunction appears to be greater

when an episiotomy is performed than when it is not;

however, this effect is of a short duration.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 Episiotomy reduces the rate of anterior perineal

 Median episiotomy is associated with less blood loss

and is easier to perform and repair than the

mediolateral procedure.
 However, median episiotomy is also associated with a

higher risk of injury to the maternal anal sphincter and

rectum than mediolateral episiotomies or spontaneous
obstetrical lacerations.
BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

 It is important that absorbable sutures be used for closure.

 Polyglycolic sutures are preferred over chromic catgut for:

_ their tensile strength

_non-allergenic properties
_ lower probability of infectious complications and
episiotomy breakdown.
 Chromic catgut is an acceptable alternative, but is not ideal.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 Clean with guaze the area around the episiotomy.

  If the episiotomy is extended through the anal

sphincter or rectal mucosa, manage as third or

fourth degree tears, respectively (i.e. refer if

consultation not possible)

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 Close the vaginal mucosa using continuous 2-0 suture:

   Start the repair about 1 cm above the apex (top) of the episiotomy.

 Continue the suture to the level of the vaginal opening;

   At the opening of the vagina, bring together the cut edges of the

vaginal opening;

 Bring the needle under the vaginal opening and out through the

incision and tie.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


Close the perineal muscle using interrupted 2-0

Close the skin using interrupted (or subcuticular) 2-
0 sutures

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

Repair of episiotomy

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023



 If a haematoma occurs, open and drain. If there are no

signs of infection and bleeding has stopped, reclose the


 If there are signs of infection, open and drain the wound.

 Remove infected sutures and debride the wound:

 If the infection is mild, antibiotics are not required;

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 If the infection is severe but does not involve

deep tissues, give a combination of antibiotics:

     Ampicillin 500 mg by mouth four times per day for

5 days;

     PLUS metronidazole 400 mg by mouth three times

per day for 5 days.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023
If the infection is deep, involves muscles and is causing necrosis
(necrotizing fasciitis),

 give a combination of antibiotics until necrotic tissue has been removed

and the woman is fever-free for 48 hours:

    Penicillin G 2 million units IV every 6 hours;

 PLUS gentamicin 5 mg/kg body weight IV every 24 hours;

PLUS metronidazole 500 mg IV every 8 hours;

    Once the woman is fever-free for 48 hours, give:

   Ampicillin 500 mg by mouth four times per day for 5 days;

BY  PLUS 5 days;
metronidazole 400 mg by mouth three times per day for06/23/2023
Adem Gemechu

 Note: Necrotizing fasciitis requires wide surgical


 Perform secondary closure in 2–4 weeks (depending

on resolution of the infection).

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

repair of genital tears

repair of cervical tears:

 Review general care principles and apply antiseptic

solution to the vagina and cervix.

 Provide emotional support and encouragement.

Anaesthesia is not required for most cervical tears.

 For tears that are high and extensive, give pethidine and

diazepam IV slowly (do not mix in the same syringe).

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

  Ask an assistant to massage the uterus and provide fundal pressure.

 Gently grasp the cervix with ring or sponge forceps.

 Apply the forceps on both sides of the tear and gently pull in various

directions to see the entire cervix.

 There may be several tears.

  Close the cervical tears with continuous 0 chromic catgut (or polyglycolic)

suture starting at the apex (upper edge of tear), which is often the source of

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

  If a long section of the rim of the cervix is

tattered, under-run it with continuous 0 chromic

catgut (or polyglycolic) suture.
  If the apex is difficult to reach and ligate, it may

be possible to grasp it with artery or ring forceps.

 Leave the forceps in place for 4 hours.

 Do not persist in attempts to ligate the bleeding points

as such attempts may increase the bleeding.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023
 Then:

    After 4 hours, open the forceps partially but do not remove;

  After another 4 hours, remove the forceps completely.

 If the apex of the cervical tear is not visible, the tear may have involved the


 A laparotomy may be required to repair a cervical tear that has extended

deep beyond the vaginal vault. Hence, in such condition, refer urgently or

consult as appropriate.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

Figure :-   Repair of a cervical tear


BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

repair of vaginal and perineal tears
 There are four degrees of tears that can occur during delivery:

  First degree tears involve the vaginal mucosa and connective

   Second degree tears involve the vaginal mucosa, connective

tissue and underlying muscles.

   Third degree tears involve complete transection of the anal

    Fourth degree tears involve the rectal mucosa.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 Note: It is important that absorbable sutures be used for


 Polyglycolic sutures are preferred over chromic catgut for

their tensile strength, non-allergenic properties and lower

probability of infectious complications.

 Chromic catgut is an acceptable alternative, but is not ideal.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

repair of first and second degree tears:
 Most first degree tears close spontaneously without sutures.

  Review general care principles.

 Provide emotional support and encouragement.

 Use local infiltration with lignocaine.

 If necessary, use a pudendal block.

  Ask an assistant to massage the uterus and provide fundal

  Carefully examine the vagina, perineum and cervix.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

  If the tear is long and deep through the

perineum, inspect to be sure there is no third or

fourth degree tear:
   Place a gloved finger in the anus;

   Gently lift the finger and identify the sphincter;

    Feel for the tone or tightness of the sphincter.

 Change to clean, high-level disinfected gloves.

  If the sphincter is not injured, proceed with repair

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023
Figure 4-21:-  Exposing a perineal tear


BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 Clean the area around the tear.

 •     Make sure there are no known allergies to lignocaine

or related drugs.
 Note: If more than 40 mL of lignocaine solution will

be needed for the repair, add adrenaline to the solution.

  Infiltrate beneath the vaginal mucosa, beneath the skin of

the perineum and deeply into the perineal muscle using

about 10 mL 0.5% lignocaine solution.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

 Note: Aspirate (pull back on the plunger) to be sure that no

vessel has been penetrated. If blood is returned in the

syringe with aspiration, remove the needle. Recheck the
position carefully and try again. Never inject if blood is
 •     At the conclusion of the set of injections, wait 2 minutes

and then pinch the area with forceps. If the woman feels
the pinch, wait 2 more minutes and then retest.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 Anaesthetize early to provide sufficient time for

  • Repair the vaginal mucosa using a continuous 2-0

  - Start the repair about 1 cm above the apex (top) of

the vaginal tear.

 Continue the suture to the level of the vaginal

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023
 At the opening of the vagina, bring together the cut
edges of the vaginal opening;
 Bring the needle under the vaginal opening and out
through the perineal tear and tie.
  Repair the perineal muscles using interrupted 2-0
suture. If the tear is deep, place a second layer of
the same stitch to close the space.
 Repair the skin using interrupted (or subcuticular) 2-
0 sutures starting at the vaginal opening.
 If the tear was deep, perform a rectal examination.
Make sure no stitches are in the rectum
BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023
Figure 4-22:-   Repairing the vaginal
mucosa(A), perineal muscles(B) and the skin(C)

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

third and fourth degree perineal tears

 The woman may suffer loss of control over bowel

movements and gas if a torn anal sphincter is not

repaired correctly.
 If a tear in the rectum is not repaired, the

woman can suffer from infection and rectovaginal

fistula (passage of stool through the vagina). Repair
of such tears should be done in the operating room,
therefore refer her immediately.
BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023
Repair of a fourth-degree obstetric laceration

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


 A. 4th degree laceration

 B. The torn anal mucosa is repaired using a running stitch, but

interrupted stitches are also acceptable.

 C. The internal anal sphincter should be properly identified and

repaired as a separate layer.

 D. The external sphincter is then identified and repaired.

 The repair consists of either end-to-end or overlapping plication

of the disrupted external anal sphincter and capsule using

interrupted or figure-of-eight sutures.
BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023
Hints on repairing the perineum

1. Should be sutured with in one hour after local analgesia given

2. The area is cleansed with savalon solution

3. For any leakage from the uterus, vaginal tampon or pack

should be inserted

4. Good light is essential

. The two extent of the laceration is determined

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

Controlling methods of bleeding after episiotomy

1. Applying gauze swab on the area

2. The pressure exerted by the fetal head

3. If bleeding occurs after delivery – two Spencer

wells forceps should be applied to the bleeding


BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

Layers to be repaired

1. Vaginal wound
a) Deep and superficial tissue
b) Vaginal mucosa
2. Perineal muscles and fascia
3. Perineal skin and subcutaneous tissue
4. The first stitch inserted at the apex of the incision
The most commonly used suturing material is 2/0 chromic
BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

1. Do not tie the sutures too tightly

2. The last stitches are important for they prevent

excessive scar.

3. Press firmly on suture line with a pad to see if bleeding

has stopped.

4. Remove perineal pad or suture pack from vagina.

Rub up fundus put clean pad on perineum

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023


5. Put gloved finger in to the rectum – to make

suture that no stitch has one through the rectum
6. Make the women comfortable, clean and dry.

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

After care of episiotomy

1. Hot bath, clean wound care

2. If pus or fouls smelling discharge develop report
to health personnel
3. Advise not to strain and avoid constipation

BY Adem Gemechu 06/23/2023

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