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Conditional sentences are sentences that expresses situations of uncertainty ( not being sure),
For instance, when you don’t know if something will happen or not so you guess what the result
might be.
There are four conditional patterns in the English language and they usually involve the ‘if’
First conditionals also known as Real conditionals

 The first conditionals shows a possible or likely outcome that will maybe happen if a
certain condition is met.
 Pattern: if + present, will + base verb
 Examples

Sentence Condition Outcome Explanation

If I study for the test, I Studying Good grade Studying may ensure I
will get a good grade. get good grades.
She won’t have New suits Not having anything Not buying a new suit
anything to wear for to wear may result in not
the interview if she having anything to
doesn’t buy a new wear for the interview.
Second conditionals also known as unreal conditionals.

 The unreal conditionals shows an unlikely or impossible outcome that wouldn’t

happen in most cases ( unless a specific condition were somehow met).
 Pattern: if + past, would + base verb
 Example

Sentence Condition Outcome Explanation

If we won the lottery, Winning the lottery Travelling around the It is very unlikely to
we would travel world win a lottery since this
around the world. is very rare.
If wishes were horses, Wishes being horses Beggars riding. Wishes are not horses
beggars would ride. so this is impossible.
Open practice for learners
Complete the sentence with your own words.
• If you don’t water the plant ______________
• If your drive too fast, __________________.
• You will be tired in the morning if you don’t _________.
• If I had a free time, _______________
• If I knew his phone number, _______________
• If I had a bike , ________________
• If I were taller, _________________
• You will be punished if _______________


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