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Grade 4 Reading

Black, White, Brown
by Nemah N. Hermosa
(Adapted from a Philippine folktale)

Once upon a time, there were no people. There

was only the earth and the God Kabunian. He said,
“The earth is a beautiful place. But who will take
care of it? I will make people.” In the afternoon,
Kabunian got some clay. He worked for a long time.
When he finished making a man, it was
night. The color of the night became the
color of the man. “He is too dark,”
Kabunian said. The next morning,
Kabunian woke up before sunrise. He got
some clay. He made a man. When the sun
came up, Kabunian saw the man.
“He is too white,” Kabunian said.
So Kabunian got more clay. He made
another man. It was noon. The hot
sun made the man brown. “I like
this brown man,” said Kabunian.
Kabunian sent the men to
different parts of the Earth. That is
why there are black people and
white people. That is why Filipinos
are brown.

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