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Speech Function And Politeness

Function of Speech

 Function of Speech is a way of someone

delivers ideas in communication to make
listeners understand the ideas well. 
Function of Speech

 Expressive
 Directive
 Referential
 Metalinguistic
 Poetic
 Phatic
Function of Speech
There are a number of ways of categorising the functions of speech.
The following list has proved a useful one in sociolinguistic research.
1.Expressive utterances express the speaker’s feelings, e.g. I’m
feeling great today.

2. Directive utterances attempt to get someone to do something, e.g.

Clear the table.

3. Referential utterances provide information, e.g. At the third stroke

it will be three o’clock precisely.
Function of Speech

4. Metalinguistic utterances comment on language itself, e.g.

‘Hegemony’ is not a common word.

5. Poetic utterances focus on aesthetic features of language, e.g. a

poem, an ear-catching motto, a rhyme : Peter Piper picked a peck of
pickled peppers.

6. Phatic utterances express solidarity and empathy with others, e.g.

Hi, how are you, lovely day isn’t it
Function of Speech

 Expressive
Useful as guide for analysis

Example : A love poem, thi poem is both poetic and expressive

Example Slogan :
-go to work on an egg : this mean that eggs for breakfast is the best
way to start the day.
Function of Speech

 Example Expressive


Mean that they do foolish or silly things.

Function of Speech

concerned with getting people to do something

Example :
Sit down -- imperative
Could you sit down -- interogative
I want you sit down -- declarative

Politeness mainly as a matter of saying please and

thank you

Example :
-Could you take my bags up, please !
-Please answer the phone jo.

In many case, being polite involves adapting sensitively to

evolving social relationships.
Example :
Nurse : Good Morning Mr Grant
Mr G : Morning dear
Nurse : Im going to change that dressing, is thah ok ?
Mr G : Gonna torture me again are you sweetie?
Nurse : third degree, no mercy mate

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