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Unit -4

Functional Dependency Theory – Algorithms for


Lecture 19

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21BCT3DA - Discipline Specific Core - RDBMS | ODD 2022-23
Review of Previous Class Topic

• Decomposition using Functional Dependencies

21BCT3DA - Discipline Specific Core - RDBMS | ODD 2022-23

Topic Outcome

• Functional Dependency Theory – Algorithms for


21BCT3DA - Discipline Specific Core - RDBMS | ODD 2022-23

Functional Dependency Theory

Closure of a Set of Functional Dependencies :

Given a set F of functional dependencies on a schema, we can

prove that certain other functional dependencies also hold on
the schema. We say that such functional dependencies are
“logically implied” by F. When testing for normal forms, it is
not sufficient to consider the given set of functional

21BCT3DA - Discipline Specific Core - RDBMS | ODD 2022-23

Functional Dependency Theory
Dependencies; rather, we need to consider all
functional dependencies that hold on the
schema. More formally, given a relational
schema r(R), a functional dependency f on R
is logically implied by a set of functional
dependencies F on r if every instance of r(R)
that satisfies F also satisfies f .

Suppose we are given a relation schema r(A,

B, C, G, H, I) and the set of functional

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Functional Dependency Theory
Closure of Attribute Sets :

21BCT3DA - Discipline Specific Core - RDBMS | ODD 2022-23

Algorithms for Decomposition

Real-world database schemas are much larger than the

examples that fit in the pages of a book.

BCNF Decomposition :

21BCT3DA - Discipline Specific Core - RDBMS | ODD 2022-23

Next topic for Lect. 21

• Decomposition using Multi valued


21BCT3DA - Discipline Specific Core - RDBMS | ODD 2022-23

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