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Pitch Deck Template

- Download this template, edit it and upload when required. The template provided
here is indicative and the points highlighted in it are crucial for the startup
presentation and pitching. Delete the description in slides once you fill your data.
- Please keep the presentation concise yet giving a clear picture of your idea.
- Please try to stick to the number of slides in this deck until absolutely necessary.
- Try and avoid long paragraphs and ensure that the text is in pointers.
- Make sure your slide titles, body content are properly formatted before you submit
the presentation.
- Delete this slide while you submit the presentation.
- Name of the pitch deck should be ‘Founder Name - Pitch Deck for BUILD’
- Convert the presentation into .pdf format and upload on the google form. Max file size
- Mention your Company/Brand/Team/Project name
- Add a one liner pitch below the company name. It should tell what
your startup is about in one line.
- Mention your college name and city
- Describe the pain/problem of the beneficiary and customer along with how the
customer is addressing the problem currently.
- Mention the solution to the problem explained in the previous slide.
- Share how your company will be providing the solution in the form of
- Share images of the product/service along with specifications, website link if
Market Opportunity & Target Market
- Mention the Market size of your product/service.
- Describe the customer profile that you will cater to.
Competitive Landscape
- Please mention your direct and indirect competition and a brief glimpse
about the competitor product/service offerings.
- Describe how your innovation differentiates you from your competition.
Revenue Model
- Mention how you will serve your customers and earn the

revenues out of it.

Future Roadmap & Support
- What are your next steps, goals and milestones for 12 months?
- Any specific support other than funding?
Team Members
- Founding team details with the achievements and
qualification details (with photographs)
- List of advisors if any
Contact slide
- Share email IDs of Founders, Phone numbers, City

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