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by Shahzaib
• Intellectual process through which an individual
• Selects data from environment
• Organise it
• Derives meaning from it
• o It is a cognitive process which involves Organism
selecting, organising, and interpreting the Stimulus.
• For Example Child hit brother after seeing Violent
Difference between Sensation & Perception

We use our sensory organ to And then organise it and derive Perception correlates, integrates
select environment called meaning that is perception and comprehends different
Sensation sensation
• Perception - Type

• Internal Perception (Proprioception)

 • What is going on in our body
 • Hungry, tired etc

• External Perception (Exteroception)

• • Stimuli that are external
• • Tell us about environment beyond
Antinational processes
• Antinational process in perception refers to a phenomenon where an individual or
a group of individuals develop negative attitudes towards their own country or
nation. This process is often characterized by a lack of patriotism, a feeling of
detachment, and even hostility towards one's own country. Antinationalism can be
caused by various factors such as political ideologies, historical events, social
issues, and economic conditions.

Example: the phenomenon of brain drain, where highly skilled individuals emigrate

from their home countries to seek better opportunities abroad. Brain drain can be
seen as a form of antinational process in perception, as it reflects a lack of faith in
one's own country's ability to provide opportunities for growth and development.
Organizational processes

• Organizational processes can also impact

perception. For instance, individuals working
in a hierarchical organization may perceive
their superiors as more competent or
authoritative than their peers due to their
position in the organization. Similarly, group
dynamics can influence how individuals
perceive others within a team or organization.
Identification and
recognition Processes
• Identification and recognition are also important
processes in perception. Identification refers to the
ability to label or categorize sensory information
based on prior knowledge or experience.

 Recognition refers to the ability to match sensory

information with stored mental representations in
order to make sense of it. These processes are
essential for individuals to understand and navigate
their environment.

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