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ÿ Live alone or in colonies with bilateral, radial, or non-symmetric body symmetry.

ÿ Generally fixed shape, oval, long, and round. In some species the shape varies
depending on age and environmental changes.
ÿ As a unicellular organism, it has locomotor equipment in the form of a flagellum, cilium,
pseudopodium or moves using its cell movement.
ÿ The nucleus is clear, numbered one or more than one, has the structure of organelles,
and does not consist of a network.
ÿ Shell structure shared by several species; several other species
form resistant cysts, or spread spores to deal with unfavorable conditions.
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ÿ Anthropoda are animals that don't have a backbone. Arthropods are also grouped into groups
invertebrate phylum.

ÿ Body divided into head (caput), chest (thorax), and rear body (abdomen). ÿ Has 3 layers (trioblastic), namely ectoderm, mesoderm, and
ÿ Have a bilateral symmetrical body shape

ÿ Body parts are protected by an exoskeleton which contains chitin (lime substance) ÿ Has a complete
digestive system ÿ Has a separate reproductive system,
namely there are male and female animals. ÿ Reproduction occurs sexually and asexually (parthenegesis and

paedogenesis. ÿ Has an open circulatory system, and the heart as a means of circulation ÿ Nervous system in the

form of arterior ganglion. The brain is located above the digestive tract ÿ Excretory system in the form of malphgi

channels. ÿ Living nature which are parasites, heterotrips, and live freely ÿ Live on land, fresh water and sea

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ÿ Nematodes

ÿ Has a round elongated body, some have separate genitals, meaning

There are separate male and female individuals

ÿ Hermaphrodite

ÿ Body size varies from microscopic to 5cm in size

ÿ The structure of the body consists of a head, tail, and thoracic cavity which contains
digestive, reproductive and secretory organs.

ÿ The most common cestodes found in Indonesia are Taenia saginata and Taenia
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ÿ Cestodes

ÿ Known as a tapeworm

ÿ Long body structure resembling a ribbon

ÿ The body structure of the adult worm is composed of scolex, neck and segments.

ÿ The scolex is equipped with a suction cup or sucker

ÿ Cestoda varies in length, between a few millimeters to several meters. ÿ The most common
cestodes found in Indonesia are Taenia saginata and Taenia
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ÿ Trematodes

ÿ Body shaped like a leaf, flat without a hollow body. ÿ Have an anterior sucker /
oral sucker where the digestive tract
boils down.

ÿ Has a ventral sucker for attachment, in some species it is located posteriorly.

ÿ The shape of the saecum (large intestine) is forked, so it looks like the letter Y

ÿ Eggs are oval in shape, usually with an opaque

ÿ Hermaphrodites except schistosomes
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ÿ Suharmiati and Rochmansyah. 2018. Revealing the Incidence of Worm Infection in

Elementary School Children (Ethnographic Study in Taramanu Village, West Sumba
Regency). Health Systems Research Bulletin. 21(3):212-218.
ÿ Resnhaleksmana E. 2014. Prevalence of soil-transmitted intestinal nematodes
helminthes (STH) on breeders in the South Ampenan Village Gatep environment.
Scientific Development Media. August. 8(5).

ÿ Sri maya, Nurhiyah, invertebrate zoology, bandung: widina bhakti persada, 2020

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