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Study Habits

Pedro Monroy, Jocelyn García, Miguel Tumax

Study habits are regular behaviors that students use to
learn, they are routines, techniques, things that they usually
do to help themselves acquire knowledge, memorize
something, in general to study a subject or topic.
Having these study habits has many advantages, such as
developing cognitive abilities such as memory or attention,
values such as discipline are also reinforced.
Study habits are divided into two, good study habits and
bad study habits, these greatly influence our success or
Good Study Habits
•Studying can be hard, but anybody can develop good study habits to
make studying more efficient, effective and enjoyable. If we want to
develop good study habits, start small, is important to set realistic and
achievable goals for yourself. Here’s some tips to improve our
study habits:
 Minimize distractions: Is important to keep yourself focused on your work,
but sometimes there are a lot of distractions that can reach you, no matter
where you choose to work. Some tips to minimize distractions are: turning
off your wifi or studying with a friend.
 Study with a group: There’s some benefits to forming a study group, the
members can help one to work on something specific, provide
encouragement, provide different perspectives, etc.
 Ask for help: If you don’t understand something, somebody could be able to
help you. That person could be a teacher, friend or a study group.
Bad Study Habits
• More than some of us have a bad study habit, we use them as an
alternative when studying and we do not recognize the
consequences they bring, bad study habits are incorrect behaviors
that students practice regularly with negative consequences and
that affect their academic results Some bad study habits are:
 Studying without anticipation, this bad habit is one of the most
common, this makes us feel a great pressure that makes us forget
 Not asking questions, sometimes for fear of asking makes us believe
that we understand something when in reality we do not, this is
caused by the fear of being criticized or being observed when you ask
a question, this delays your learning.

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