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Lecture 5:

Recognition Using ANN

with Engineered Features
Dr. Noha Mohamed
Computer Science Dep.
 Introduction
 Feature Mining
Agenda  Feature Reduction
 Filtering Using ANN
 Engineered Feature Limitations
 The three pillars for a successful ML application are
the data, features, and model.
 They should cope with each other.
 The most relevant features that differentiate among
the different cases existing in the data are used.
 Representative features are critical in building an
Introduction accurate CV application.
 They should be accurate enough to work well under
different conditions such as a change in scale and
 Such features should work well with the selected ML
 You shouldn’t use more features than needed,
because this adds more complexity to the
 Feature selection and reduction techniques are
used to find the minimum set of features to
build an accurate model.
 Feature reduction is applied to minimize the
feature vector length and just use the most
relevant features.
 ANN is implemented to map the image
features to their output labels.
 You must understand your problem and its
 Example, classification of Fruits 360 dataset.
Based on the feature categories presented in
Chapter 2 (colour, texture, and edge), we need
to find the most suitable set of features to
Feature Mining differentiate these classes.
 You must understand the data structure.
 We should find a way to reduce this number of
input features in order to reduce the number of
parameters. (complexity)
 One way is by using a single channel rather
than using all three RGB channels.
 The selected channel should be able to capture
the colour changes among the used classes.

Cont.  Figure 1. A histogram helps us to visualize the

intensity values easier than looking at the
image would.
 The three channels for each image in addition
to their histograms are available in Figure 1.
Figure 1.Red, green, and blue channels in addition to their histograms for a
single sample from the four classes of the Fruits 360 dataset used
 It seems that it is difficult to find the best channel
to use.
 According to the histogram for any channel,
there is overlap in some regions across the
Cont.  The only metric to differentiate the different
images in such a case is the intensity values. For
example, Braeburn apple and Meyer lemon have
values for all bins according to the blue channel
histogram, but their values differ. Apple has small
values compared to lemon in the rightmost part.
 According to illumination changes, the
intensity values will change and we might have
a case in which both apple and lemon have
close values to each other in the histogram.
 We should add a margin between the different
classes. Even with little changes, there is no
mystery in making the decision
 We can benefit from the fact that the four fruits used
have different colours. A colour space that decouples
illumination channels from colour channels is a
good option. (HSV)
 Figure 2 shows the hue channel from the HSV
colour space from the four samples used previously
in addition to their histograms
Figure 2. Hue channel from the HSV colour space with its histograms
 Based on the previous simple experiments on the
four classes selected, the hue channel histogram can
classify the data correctly.

Cont.  Hue is measured in degrees from 0 to 360.

 The umber of features, in this case, is just 360 rather
than 30,000. This helps very much to reduce the
number of ANN parameters.
 Feature Reduction
The Next  Filtering Using ANN

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