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Sociology: Chapter 1

Perspective, Theory, and Method

The Sociological Perspective
 Sociology is the systematic  Sociology also encourages
study of human society. us to see individuality in the
social context.

 The sociological perspective  The sociological perspective

helps us to see the general reveals the power of society
in the particular (Peter to shape individual lives
Berger 1963).

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 It encourages us to
realize that society guides imagination”
our thoughts and deeds.
Benefits of the Sociological
 The sociological  The sociological
perspective helps us perspective empowers
us to -e active
acsosmesmsotnhesetr participants in our
nusthe.o” f

Tpehresps eoctioivleoghic
 The sociological
ealpl s us assess -oth perspective helps us to
opportunities and live in a diverse world.
constraints in our lives.
The Origins of Sociology
 Three major social changes during
the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries (/ urope) are important to
the development of sociology.
(1) The rise of a factory0-ased
industrial economy.
(2) The emergence of great
cities in
(3) Political changes.
The Origins of Sociology
 Auguste Comte -elieved that the major goal of
sociology was to understand society as it actually

 Comte saw sociology as the product of a three0

stage historical development:
(1) The theological stage (God 4Society).
(2) The metaphysical stage (5umans
(3) The scientific stage (Science 4Society).
Sociological Theory

 A theory is a statement of how and why specific facts

are related.

 The goal of sociological theory is to explain social

-ehavior in the real world.

 / xample: Dur7heim had a theory: categories of

people with low social integration (men, Protestants,
the wealthy, and the unmarried) are at higher ris7 of
Sociologists use 3 theoretical

Structural-Functional Approach

Social-Conflict Approach

Symbolic Interaction Approach
The Structural–Functional Approach
Comte Durkheim Spencer
 The structural-functional paradigm sees society as a complex
system whose parts work together.

 It asserts that our lives are guided by social structures (any relatively
stable pattern of social behavior).
 / a c h social structure has social functions (the consequences of a
social pattern for the operation of society as a whole).

 Manifest Functions— recognized ; intended consequences of any

social pattern
 Latent Functions— the unrecognized ; unintended consequences of
any social pattern

 Social Dysfunctions — any social pattern that may disrupt the operation
of society
The Social–Conflict Approach
Karl Marx
 The social-conflict paradigm sees society as an arena of
inequality that generates conflict and change.

 Gender-Conflict Approach

 <ace-Conflict Approach

 Structural-Functional + Social Construct > Macro

Level Perspective

 Both have their wea7nesses

 Popularity: Social-Conflict
The Symbolic–Interaction Approach
Max Weber & George Herbert Mead
 The symbolic-interaction paradigm sees society
as the product of the everyday interactions of

 Studies how people, in everyday interaction,

construct reality

It focuses on patterns of social interaction in specific

 Symbolic-interactionism has a micro-level

Research: Doing Sociology
 Positive Sociology -uses the logic of science to
understand how variables are related@ tries to
establish cause ; effect@ demands objectivity
 Interpretive Sociology -focuses on the meanings that
people attach to behavior@ people construct reality
in their everyday lives@ W eberAs Verstehen is
learning how people understand their world
 Critical Sociology -uses research to bring about social
change@ focuses on inequality@ rejects principle of
objectivity claiming all research is political
The Methods of Sociological Research

Part 1
 The Experiment —  A Survey — subjects
investigates cause and respond to a series of
effect under highly questions in an
controlled conditions. interview.
-The most widely used
 The experiment is used of all research methods.
to test a hypothesis — -They yield descriptive
an unverified statement findings.
of a relationship
between variables.
The Methods of Sociological Research
Part 2
 Investigation ta7es place  Not all research
in the field, where people requires investigators to
carry on in their everyday collect their own data.
 Secondary analysis
—researcher uses data
 Participant observation collected by others.
— investigators
systematically observe 

people while joining their Tsthaetismtiocs

routine activities. tawreidgealythuesred
by government
Ten Steps in Sociological
(1) What is your topicC (6) What method will you
(2)What have others useC
already learnedC
(dFa)ta5Cow will you record the
(3)What, exactly, are your
questionsC (G) What do the data tell youC
(9) What are your
(D)cWarhryatowutillreyso (1H) 5 o w can you share what
youAve learnedC
euanrceheCd to

(E)Are there ethical


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