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Presentation Skills
 Medium Of Presentation
 Modes OF Delivering Presentation
Stage Fright OR Stage Fear
Group Members

 Wajahat Ali Jaffri (033)

Muhammad Ehtisham(037)
Hassan Shehzad (021)
Muhammad Numan(018)
Shahzaib Hassan (010)

Presented To:

Madam Sanawia
What is meant by Presentation Skills ?
Presentation Skills are the abilities and qualities you need in delivering effective
and engaging presentations to a variety of audiences.These skills cover a variety
of areas such as the structure of your presentation,the design of your
slides,the tone of your voice and the body language you convey.
Importance Of Presentation Skills:
 They help in grooming the personality of the presenter and
elevates his level of confidence.
 In case of striking deals and gaining clients ,it is essential for
the business professionals to understand the audience.Good
presentation skills enable an individual to mold his message
according to the traits of the audience.
 Business professionals have to arrange seminars and give
presentations everyday.Having good presentation skills not
only increases an individual’s chances of success,but also
enable him to add greatly to the organization.
Medium OF presentation
• The medium of presentation refers to the specific form or platform through
which information,ideas or content are communicated or delivered to
audience.It includes various means of conveying messages such as
oral,written ,visual or audio-visual formats and can be utilized in different
contexts including business,education,entermainment and more.
Some Common Mediums Of Presentation:
1)Oral Presentations:
This medium involves delivering information verbally,typically through speeches,
lectures or discussions.Oral presentations often involve a speaker addressing
an audience and can be supported by visual aids like slides,videos or props.
2)Written Presentations:
Written presentations include texts,documents,reports,articles or essays.They
rely on written language to conveys ideas and are commonly used in academic,
professional or formal settings.Written presentations can be used in print or
digital formats,such as emails,memos,letters or blog posts.
3)Visual Presentations:
Visual mediums utilize images,graphics ,charts ,diagrams or illustrations to
convey information.These can be presented in the form of posters,slideshows,
infographics or videos.Visual presentations are often used to simply
complex ideas,enhance understanding and engage the audience easily.
4)Audio Presentations:
Audio mediums primarily rely on sound to communicate messages.They include
formats such as podcasts,radio broadcasts,voice recordings.Audio
presentations allow audiences to listen and absorb information without visual
distractions,making them suitable for multi-tasking or auditory learners.

5)Audio-Visual Presentations:
This medium combines both visual and audio elements to deliver content.
It involves utilizing multi-media tools such as videos,slideshows with narration
or multi-media presentations.Audio-Visual presentations are highly
verstatile,as they can incorporate various media types to enhance audience
engagement and understanding.
6)Digital Presentations:
Digital medium includes a wide range of presentation formats that leverage digital
technology.They can include slide presentations (e.g Power-Point ,Keynote),
webinars,video-conferencing,live-streaming,online tutorials or interactive
presentations.Digital presentations are commonly used in remote or online
settings,allowing for easy sharing and collaboration.
Factors For Choice OF Medium:

Nature of the content Goals of the persentation

Intended Audience Context in which information is being shared

Each medium has its advantages and considerations, and selecting the
appropriate one can significantly impact the effectiveness and engagement
of the presentation.
Modes Of Delivering Presentation:
Modes of delivering presentation are the different ways of presentating
information to an audience.There are four methods of delivery that can help you
balance between too much and too little formality when giving a presentation.
 Impromptu Speaking
 Manuscript Reading
 Memorized Speaking
 Extemporaneous Speaking

1)Impromptu Mode Of Presentation:

It refers to the presentation of a short message without advance
preparation.It is usually an answer to a question or when someone asks you to
eloborate something or something that is your expertise.Self introductions in a
group settings are examples of Impromptu Speaking:”Hi ,My name is steve and I
am an account manager’’.An another example is when you answer a question
such as,”What do you think of the report?”Your response has not been
Impromptu presentations are generally most successful when they are brief
and focus on a single point.

 It is spontaneous and responsive in a group context.
 It can show your konowledge and confidence.
 It can be disorganized and difficult for the listeners to follow.
 It can cause anxiety and stress for the speaker.

2)Manuscript mode of presentation:

It is a word-for-word iteration for a written message.In this method speaker
delivers presentation with a paper or teleprompter that has been pre-written.
The speaker maintains his attention on the printed page except when using visual
aids.The entire speech has to be referred to the printed document,which means
that speaker doesn’t necessarily need to read all of it ,but to have a certain domain
with the subject they are presentating.
 It allows for accuracy,precision and consistency of the message.
 It can be useful for complex or technical topics that require exact wording.
 It can be boring,monotonuous and unengaging for the audience.
 It can limit the eye contact,gestures and vocal variety of the speaker.

3)Memorized Mode Of Presentation:

In this mode,entire presentation is written,memorized and then
delivered from memory.Actors,of course speak from memory when ever
they perform a script ,a stage play,television program or movie scene.This
mode can be useful when the message needs to be exact and speaker
doesn’t want to confined by the notes.It can be useful for delivering important
presentations that will be recorded and shared or for reciting short pieces
such as the poems or quotes.However it can also be challenging to
memorize long speeches and to deliver them naturally and interactively.
 It allows for constant eye contact with the audience and gives more freedom
of movement.
 It allows for precise and correct wordings.
 Easy to forget
 Requires extensive preparation time
 Does not allow for spontaneity.

4)Extemporaneous Mode Of Presentation:

It is a method of presentation delivery in which speaker has some time to
prepare and rehearse the presentation,but does not memorize it word for
word.Instead,the speaker uses brief notes or key words to guide the
presentation and delivers it in a conversational manner.This flexible form of
delivery,allows a speaker to make adjustments to their presentation/speech in
response to non-verbal signals from the audience.
 It can show speaker’s confidence and competence on the topic.
 It can be engaging,natural and adaptable.
 Allows speaker to be use notes but also maintain regular eye contact.
 Combines the best of preparation and spontaneity.

 Over-use of notes can limit eye contact and gestures.
 It can require more time and effort to prepare.
Stage Fright OR Stage Fear:
Stage fear or performance anxiety ,refers to the feeling of nervousness,fear or
anxiety experienced by andividuals when speaking or performing in front of an
audience(either directly or through a screen ,e.g infront of a camera).It is a common
phenomenon that affects many people,including experienced performers and public
Symptoms OF Stage Fear:
Stage Fear is often characterized by a range of physical,emotional and cognitive
 Physical:trembling,sweating,a rapid heartbeat,dry mouth,difficulty in breathing
 Emotional:intense fear,apprehension or a sense of dread
 Cognitive:Negative thoughts,self-doubt or worries about making mistakes or being
judged by others.
Causes OF Stage Fear:
The causes of stage fear can vary from person to person but several factors
contribute to it’s development.They can include:
 Fear Of Judgement:
One of the primary causes is the fear of being negatively evaluated or judged by the
audience.The pressure to perform well and meet the expectations of others can
create anxiety and self-consciousness.
 Lack OF Experience:
Inexperience or lack of practice in public speaking or performing can contribute to
stage fear.Individuals may feel unsure about their abilities and worry about making
mistakes or forgetting their lines or speech.
 Perfectionism:
Striving for perfection and setting excessively high standards can increase anxiety
levels.The fear of not meeting one’s own expectations can intesify stage fear.
 Traumatic Experiences:
Previous negative experiences,such as embarrassing moments or criticism from past
performances can create a fear of repeating those experiences on stage.
 Self-esteem Issues:
Low self-confidence or low self-esteem can contribute to stage fear.Individuals
may doubt their abilities and fear being exposed as inadequate or incompetent
in front of others.
 Social Anxiety:
People with underlying social anxiety disorder may be more susceptible to
stage fear.The fear of being the center of attention or interacting with an
audience can heighten anxiety levels.

How To Overcome Stage Fear?

Overcoming stage fear requires a combination of techniques and strategies.
They can include:
 Preparation And Practice:
Throughly preparing for the presentation can boost confidence and reduce
anxiety.Rehearsing the material multiple times helps individual become more
comfortable with the content.
 Breathing And Relaxation Exercises:
Deep breathing and relaxation techniques,such as progressive muscle relaxation or
meditation can help manage anxiety symptoms and promote a sense of calmness.

 Positive Self-talk:
Replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations can shift the mindset and
build self-confidence.Remaining oneself of past successes or focusing on the
enjoyment of the experience can be helpful.

 Visualization:
Imagining successful performances or positive outcomes can help reduce anxiety
and install a sense of confidence.Visualizing oneself being calm,composed and
receiving positive feedback can be beneficial.

 Exposure Therapy:
Gradually exposing oneslelf to speaking or performing in front of small,supportive
audiences can help desensitize the fear response over time.Starting with low-
pressure situations and gradually increasing the challenge can build confidence.
 Seeking Professional Help:
In severe cases,where stage fear significantly impairs a pesson’s daily life
or professional aspirations,Seeking the assistance of therapist or counselor
who specializes in anxiety disorders can be beneficial.They can provide
personalized strategies and support to overcome stage fear.

It’s important to remember that stage fear is a common experience

and many succeessful performers and public speakers have
overcome it. With practice,preparation and the right mindset ,
individuals can learn to manage their anxiety and deliever engaging
presentations and performances.

Thank You....

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