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Important Pointers for the Idea Submission

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⮚ Idea should be unique and novel. If it has a business potential more weightage will be given.
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Basic Details of the Team and Problem Statement

Problem Statement Title:

Team Name:

Team Leader Name:

Institute Code (AISHE):

Institute Name:
Idea/Approach Details
Describe your idea/Solution/Prototype here:

 Assign NFC tags to police officers: Assigning an NFC tag to each police
officer would be the first step in implementing an NFC-based tracking
system. These tags could be embedded in the police officer's badge,
equipment, or even their mobile device.

 Install NFC readers in patrol vehicles: The next step involves installing
NFC readers in patrol vehicles in order to allow officers to log in when
they get in the car and log out whenever they leave. This will allow the Describe your Technology stack here:
system to track which officer is using the vehicle at any given time.
⮚ Hardware components:
• NFC tags
 Install NFC readers in key locations: Following this, NFC readers are • NFC readers
installed in key locations such as police stations, checkpoints to track the
⮚ Software components:
location of police officers as they move throughout their designated area. • NFC scanning software
• Database software
 Using a centralized database: Eventually all the data from the NFC • Web application
readers will be collected and stored in a centralized database. This ⮚ Infrastructure:
database will include the location of each officer in real-time, allowing • Backend server (e.g. AWS, Azure, or dedicated server)
supervisors to track their officers' movements.  • Authentication and authorization
• Monitoring and logging (e.g. Prometheus, ELK stack)
Idea/Approach Details
Describe your Use Cases here Describe your Dependencies / Show stopper here
 Developing a real-time dashboard: A real-time
dashboard displaying the location of each officer in ⮚ Availability of NFC-enabled devices: All police officers must have
NFC-enabled devices to allow for tracking via NFC tags. This could
real-time will be developed next. The dashboard will include mobile devices, badge scanners, or other types of devices
be accessible to authorized personnel, such as that can read NFC tags.
supervisors or dispatchers, and will provide real-time
⮚ Infrastructure requirements: The implementation of NFC-based
updates on the location of each officer.
tracking systems requires the installation of NFC readers in key
locations and patrol vehicles.
 Using geofencing: Geofencing will be implemented
to create virtual boundaries around specific locations. ⮚ Integration with existing systems: The NFC-based tracking
This will help supervisors to know when an officer system must be integrated with existing police department systems,
enters or leaves a specific location, allowing them to such as dispatch and records management systems.
track their movements more effectively. ⮚ Privacy concerns: The tracking of police officers using NFC tags
raises privacy concerns, and proper protocols must be in place to
 Setting up alerts and notifications: The final step ensure that officers' privacy is protected.
involves setting up alerts and notifications to be sent to
⮚ Security concerns: The NFC-based tracking system must be secure
supervisors in case an officer goes off-route, enters or
to prevent unauthorized access to officer locations and other
leaves a specific location, or if their NFC tag is sensitive information. Training and adoption: The successful
removed or tampered with. implementation of an NFC-based tracking system requires training
for police officers and other personnel on how to use the system.
Team Member Details
Sr. No. Name of Team Member Branch Stream (ECE, CSE Year Position in team
(Btech/Mtech/Ph etc): (Team Leader, Front end
Developer, Back end
D etc): Developer, Full Stack, Data
base management etc.)
1 Team Leader

Team Mentor/s Details

Sr. No. Name of Mentor Category Expertise Domain Experience
(Academic/Industry): (AI/ML/Blockchain etc): (in Years )

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