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Introduction to

• Respiration is the process by

which living organisms obtain
energy from glucose and other
organic molecules to perform
essential functions.
Types of Respiration
• 1. Aerobic Respiration: In the presence of oxygen, glucose is broken down into carbon dioxide and
water, releasing a large amount of energy.\
• 2. Anaerobic Respiration: In the absence of oxygen, glucose is partially broken down into
substances such as lactic acid or ethanol, releasing less energy.
Cellular Respiration
• Cellular respiration is the process that occurs within
the cells of organisms, involving the breakdown of
glucose to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate),
the energy currency of cells.
Respiration and

• Respiration is a key component of

an organism's metabolism, which
encompasses all the chemical
reactions that occur to maintain
life. It provides the energy needed
for growth, repair, and other vital

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