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5th Commandment: Demands

“Thou shall not kill.”

What does the fifth commandment
 mainly, we are called to value and to
respect human life
 we are made in God’s image and
 Jesus added further dignity to life
 we are temples of the Holy Spirit
What does the fifth commandment
call us to do?
 respect others
 protect others from physical or
emotional harm
 be spiritually and physically healthy
 avoid anger and control emotions
 love our enemies and those who hurt
What values does the fifth
commandment teach us?
 Peacefulness
 Concern
 Respect
 Thankfulness
Christian Witnesses
Jim Elliot
 Avoid holding a grudge.
 Learn to forgive and forget.
 Talk to the offender and discuss what
happened (don’t fight).
 Follow Jesus’s command of loving your
 Avoid hurting or offending others so they
will treat you well.
 Show love and compassion in everything
we do.
 Don’t take vengeance on others.

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