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Stand behind your chairs silently

The BIG Picture


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TITLE: What are the causes and effects of flooding?
Learning Intention: To understand how water is
stored and transported through the water cycle.
Add the following missing words to the diagram:
River; Precipitation; evaporation; infiltration
Challenge: Why do you think it is to important to
understand how water gets into rivers?
I know what a flood is. I know how floods can be caused. I
know several factors that can increase the risk of flooding.

I can describe the main causes of floods in the Midlands. I

can describe the main effects on people, economy and

I can suggest why flooding is becoming more common and

can hypothesise the future.

Be the best version of you, every day! #TeamTREA

Be the best version of you, every day! #TeamTREA
TITLE: What are the causes and effects of flooding?
DO NOW: Learning Intention: To understand how
water is stored and transported through the
What are the 6 main factors that increase water cycle.
the risk of flooding? (There are 3 physical
and 3 human)
Which physical factor is most important
do you think and why?
Which human factor is most important
and why?
I know what a flood is. I know how floods can be caused. I
know several factors that can increase the risk of flooding.

I can describe the main causes of floods in the Midlands. I

can describe the main effects on people, economy and

I can suggest why flooding is becoming more common and

can hypothesise the future.

Be the best version of you, every day! #TeamTREA

What is a flood?

What causes a flood?

Key terms to use:
Flood heavy/prolonged banks
precipitation overflows floodplain
Channel period overtop
flash floods rainstorms natural
Human flood risk increases

Be the best version of you, every day! #TeamTREA

1 2 3
What are the factors that
increase the risk of flooding?

4 5 HUMAN 6
Be the best version of you, every day! #TeamTREA
Flooding in The Midlands:

Structured Listen and record Unstructured Journalism notes

Follow the questions on your hand out and record the answers Record the causes and effects of the floods across the
to them as you go. Midlands in 2020 in the form of the hand out below:

Be the best version of you, every day! #TeamTREA

Flooding in TheEFFECTS
Midlands 2020





Be the best version of you, every day! #TeamTREA

How long did torrential rains last for leading to the highest flood waters in 20 years? _______ weeks
2. How many severe flood warnings were in the Midlands? ____
3. Herefordshire recorded a record of ______ tonnes/second passing under The Old Wye bridge beating the previous
record of _______ t/sec.
4. Some effects include ___________ destroyed and people being _____________ from their homes.
5. _____ woman died because she was _________________________________.
6. THE CAUSE: Storm___________ was responsible as _ _ _ mm fell in _ days. Twice the normal level of ___mm/month.
7. The area has high stream density. The river Wye and Severn pass through several urban areas such as ___________.
8. How could climate change be responsible? ____________________________________________________________
9. Whilst in the helicopter what effects can you see? ______________________________________________________
10. How have people responded to the flooding? _________________________________________________________
11. According to the National Flood Forum, what do we need to do?_________________________________________
12. What does the future hold? _______________________________________________________________________

Be the best version of you, every day! #TeamTREA

At extent are humans to blame???


To what extent are the impacts of floods entirely human’s fault?

Be the best version of you, every day! #TeamTREA

Your own choice of question…

Describe the causes, effects To what extent do you think the

and responses to a flood that floods in the Midlands were entirely
you have studied. humans fault?
Success criteria: Success criteria:
Summarise your case study of a flood A judgement must be made as to the extent
into 3 paragraphs: that humans are involved (greater/lesser).
Causes – both physical and human This must be supported with evidence.
given. Causes – both physical and human given.
Effects – on people and environment. Effects – on people and environment.
Responses – short term and/or long term Responses – short term and/or long term
responses to the flood. responses to the flood

Be the best version of you, every day! #TeamTREA

Predict the future…
• Why is flooding becoming more common?
• Can you predict the future?

I know what a flood is. I know how floods can be caused. I

know several factors that can increase the risk of flooding.

I can describe the main causes of floods in the Midlands. I

can describe the main effects on people, economy and

I can suggest why flooding is becoming more common and

can hypothesise the future.

Be the best version of you, every day! #TeamTREA


1. What connections have you made?

2. How have you got involved in the lesson?
3. What should you do to further your thinking?
4. What ‘new learning’ have you made?
5. What are you interested to know more about?
6. Which key terms are you unsure about?

Be the best version of you, every day! #TeamTREA

Next lesson…
Responses to flooding

Be the best version of you, every day! #TeamTREA

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