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We go to

school by bus.


Say what Tim does. Then listen morning up
and click the right words.

early on
wake bed
he late
in tired
o´clock wakes

Check the sentence here. gets very

He wakes up very early.

Say what Sue does. Then listen hands she
and click the right words.

wash water
clean teeth
soap cleans
face washes
brush after

Check the sentence here. his her

She washes her face.

Say what Rob does. Then listen breakfast milk
and click the right words.

eat for
have he
she eats
has coffee
tea makes

Check the sentence here. cereals in

He has cereals for breakfast.

Say what they do. Then listen and brush after
click the right words.

before his
breakfast her
their they
wash teeth
my tooth

Check the sentence here. brushes for

They brush their teeth after breakfast.
Say what Mike does. Then listen combs her
and click the right words.

brushes hare
has she
washes his
always comb
morning hair

Check the sentence here. he after

He always combs his hair.

Say what Richard does. Then listen the his
and click the right words.

clothes gets
in shoe
get dress
dressed on
after he

Check the sentence here. she bedroom

He gets dressed in the bedroom.

Say what they do. Then listen and their they
click the right words.

school makes
make before
do to
after going
the does

Check the sentence here. at bed

They make the bed before going to school.
Say what they do. Then listen and walks school
click the right words.

go always
for home
leave to
they foot
car runs

Check the sentence here. the on

They always go to school on foot.

Say when his lessons start. Then starts o’clock
listen and click the right words.

half never
nine lessons
start to
minutes past
eight his

Check the sentence here. at quarter

His lessons start at half past eight.

Say what Billy does. Then listen has canteen
and click the right words.

eat in
have food
the he
dinner takes
school her

Check the sentence here. for lunch

He has lunch in the school canteen.

Say what Michael does. Then listen and end
and click the right words.

for to
school goes
home go
walks he
leave his

Check the sentence here. leaves begins

He leaves school and goes home.

Say what Ryan does. Then listen a to
and click the right words.

fifteen he
half quarter
arrive arrives
at past
three two

Check the sentence here. home o’clock

He arrives home at a quarter past two.
Say what Sarah does. Then listen make does
and click the right words.

study his
her makes
write do
never homework

she afternoon

Check the sentence here. books plays

She does her homework.

Say what Seth does. Then listen games play
and click the right words.

board at
a with
home have
plays his
friend video

Check the sentence here. to he

He plays board games with a friend.
Say what Paul does. Then listen he afternoon
and click the right words.

clean room
washes never
kitchen in
does his
she the

Check the sentence here. cleans broom

He cleans his room in the afternoon.
Say what Simon does. Then listen the a
and click the right words.

take her
walk for
run park
his on
in he

Check the sentence here. dog takes

He takes his dog for a walk in the park.
Say what Susie does. Then listen eats lunch
and click the right words.

his at
family eat
have with
she dog
makes tea

Check the sentence here. dinner her

She eats dinner with her family.

Say what they do. Then listen and before they
click the right words.

eat in
cinema dinner
TV family
watches washes
looks after

Check the sentence here. watch see

They watch TV after dinner.

Say what Phil does. Then listen bath a
and click the right words.

he night
have has
bathroom takes
take washes
wash shower

Check the sentence here. quick water

He takes a quick shower.

Say what his father does. Then a his
listen and click the right words.

bed he
reads read
bedtime does
her father
in time

Check the sentence here. him story

His father reads him a bedtime story.

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