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Chapter 4

Advanced C#
Module Objectives

1. Boxing/Unboxing

2. Generics

3. Collection

4. Framework Interfaces

5. Manipulating Strings
Boxing and Unboxing
• Boxing refers to implicit conversion of a value type into an
object type, or to any interface that it implements, e.g., int to
• Further, the conversion of an underlying value type to a
nullable type is also known as boxing.

• Unboxing refers to an explicit conversion of object type to

non-nullable-value type or the conversion of an interface
type to a non-nullable-value type, e.g., IComparable<int> to
• Further, the conversion of nullable type to the underlying
value type is also known as unboxing.
Generics Class
• Generics allow you to define a class with placeholders for the
type of its fields, methods, parameters, etc. Generics replace
these placeholders with some specific type at compile time.

1. Generic class: define by using “<>” angle brackets.

2. T is a generic type parameter; refers to any compile-time
type that is given when a class is instantiated.
3. In the same way, we can define generic structs and generic
interfaces, too.
Constraints on Generic Type Parameters
• There are 6 kinds of constraints that we can apply on generic
type parameters. The following table lists the kinds of
Generic Methods
• Generic methods help to type-safe a method’s argument type,
which helps in calling a method’s parameter for multiple types.

• Constraints can also be applied on generic methods to restrict

the kinds of types used to pass values during method calling.
• Collection helps to manage a group of related objects. In C#,
collections are data structures that provide a flexible way to
store and retrieve objects dynamically. Unlike arrays, a group of
objects in a collection can grow and shrink anytime.

• Collections are classes that are instantiated to manage a group

of related objects. In C#, there are three kind of collections:

1. System.Collections
2. System.Collections.Generic
3. System.Collections.Concurrent
• ArrayList is a non-generic type of collection in C#. It can
contain elements of any data types. It is similar to an array,
except that it grows automatically as you add items in it.
• Hashtable stores each element of a collection in a pair of
• Queue represents a first-in, first out collection of object. It
is used when you need a first-in, first-out access of items.
When you add an item in the list, it is called enqueue, and
when you remove an item, it is called dequeue.
• Stack represents a last-in, first out collection of object. It is
used when you need a last-in, first-out access to items.
When you add an item in the list, it is called pushing the
item and when you remove it, it is called popping the item.
• System.Collections.Generics is a namespace which contains
classes and interfaces to manage a strongly-typed collection.
• List<T> class in C# represents a strongly typed list of
objects. List<T> provides functionality to create a list of
objects, find list items, sort list, search list, and manipulate
list items. In List<T>, T is the type of objects.
Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
• It’s a type-safe collection of key/value pairs. Each key in
dictionary must be unique and can store multiple values
against the same key. Dictionary<TKey, TValue> is much
faster than Hashtable.
Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
• Queue<T> is a type-safe class. It stores and retrieves data in
FIFO (First In, First Out) order. In other words, it manages a
collection of data on a first come, first served basis. It is
much faster than Queue.
• Stack<T> is a class. It stores and retrieves elements in LIFO
(Last In, First Out) order. Elements pushed at the end will
pop up first, for example, a pile of plates. It is much faster
than Stack.
Working with Strings
• Strings are one of most frequent use data types in C#.
Strings in C# are immutable means that once a string is
created, it cannot be changed. No characters can be added
or removed from it, nor can its length be changed.
• To solve this problem, C# introduced StringBuilder.
StringBuilder is a dynamic object that allows you to expand
the number of characters in the string.
• StringReader is a class of System.IO used to read lines from a
string. With StringReader, we can read a character with Read or
ReadAsync method, and an entire string with ReadToEnd or
ReadToEndAsync method. This type helps to access string data
through a stream-oriented interface.
• StringWriter is a class of System.IO. It is used to write to a
StringBuilder class. With StringWriter, we can write a
character/string with Write or WriteAsync method, and an entire
string line with WriteLine or WriteLineAsync method. It’s an
efficient way of using StringBuilder with StringWriter to
manipulate string.
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The End

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