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Element Language

The element have to
go in the right order
for sentences to work

Pronouncation Vocabulary
Differences to speak the Choosing the best word
word with changing the to express particular
pitch and intonation meanig
Part of Speech
Noun Phrase

Article and
Noun Pronouns Determiners Adjective

 Comparative &
 Countable &
uncountable  Adjective
 Personal  Article
 Plural &
Pronouns  Define Article Sequence
Singular  Adj as
 Relative  Undefinite
 Collective noun
Pronouns Article Preposition
 Compound
 Adj as Noun
noun  Adj as Verb
Part of Speech
• The Verb Phrase
Hypothetical Meaning

When talk about something is

not real, but that might the
case. Its called talking
Expressing Hypothetical Meaning

Modal Auxilarry verbs Sentences
Use conjuction ‘If’
which use to
to preface the
comment on the
condition, and
likelihood of
referred the result

Example : Example :
It might rain If it rains (condition),
you will get wet
I would if I could (result).
Conditional Sentences

Real Hypothetical
Talking about the present If you pay online, you get a If I had a dog, I’d take it for
discount walks
Talking about the future If you wok hard, you’ll pass If I won the lottery, I’d
the exam travel round the world
Talking about the past If it was very warm, we ate If I’d known about the rail
outside strike, I would have come
by car
Language function

Purpose you wish to achieve when you say or

write something. By ‘performing’ the function,
you’re performing an act communication.
Example: Sorry, Promise
Language Variables

• Put words together in • Refers to both the topic • Many different

correct sequences is we are speaking about ‘englishes’ being used
often influenced by and the tone(formal or around the world, and
whether or not do it in informal) we wish to notions of the
speech or writing adopt. ownership of English
have shifted
Speaking Language
& Writing Varieties
Discussed the nature og meaning in context - and how what we say may have a
different function from the actual word used.

Explained grammar as a system whereby certain parts of speech fit into certai slots.
Such as subject, verb, etc

Briefly discussed the nature of word and their morphology

Looked at elements of pronouncations : sound, stress, pitch, intonation

Investigated the fact that theire is no one-to-one relationship between a language

form and one meaning, but that different forms can express the same meaning, while
different meanings can be expressed by one form
Looked at as aspect of the noun phrase, and at adjectives, prepositions, determiners, the
verb phrase, adverbs and connecting words

Discussed the concept of hypothetical meaning in relation to modal verbs and conditional

Detailed the way that words group together in collocations, lexical phrases and idioms.

Briefly mentioned language function

Discussed text and discourse (and cohesion an coherence)

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