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Treaties of


By: Jordyn

• The aims of the Treaties in World War 1

• The harsh terms impost of Germany
• Impacts of the Treaties in World War 1 (Immerse and long term)
1.1: The aims of the Treaties in World War 1
• Aims of the World War I treaties:
• Establish peace and redress war consequences.
• Most notable treaty: Treaty of Versailles (1919).
• Involved Allied Powers and Germany.
• Treaty of Versailles objectives:
• Impose territorial, military, and financial obligations on Germany.
• Create the League of Nations for international cooperation and conflict prevention.
• Consequences of harsh terms:
• Economic hardships in Germany.
• Fueled resentment.
• Impact on World War II:
• Contributed to setting the stage for the Second World War.
2.1: The harsh terms impost of Germany (Territorial losses)

• Parts of Schleswig-Holstein given to

• Poland gained territory in the west.
• The Polish Corridor created, giving Poland
access to the Baltic Sea and isolating East
Prussia from the rest of Germany.
• Alsace-Lorraine returned to France.
2.2: The harsh terms impost of Germany (Military Restrictions)

• Size of the German army limited to only 100,000 soldiers,

reducing its overall military strength.
• Conscription, the mandatory enlistment of citizens into the
armed forces, was forbidden, limiting the pool of potential
• Germany was prohibited from having an air force, preventing it
from building an aerial military presence.
• The use of tanks and heavy artillery was also forbidden,
reducing the country's ability to deploy powerful armored and
long-range weaponry.
• These strict restrictions significantly weakened Germany's
military capabilities and left the country vulnerable to potential
threats and aggression.
2.3: The harsh terms impost of Germany

• Germany was required to pay extensive reparations to the Allied Powers.

• The initial amount set at 132 billion gold marks was later reduced, but the
burden remained significant.
• The reparations placed immense strain on Germany's economy, causing
financial hardships and inflationary pressures.
3.1: Impacts of the Treaties in World War 1

• The treaties helped bring an end to the war and establish peace.
• Germany and its allies were required to accept responsibility for the war.
• Reparations were demanded from Germany to compensate the victorious
• The treaties led to redrawing borders and territorial changes in Europe.
3.2: Impacts of the Treaties in World War 1
(Long Term)
• The war guilt clause in the Treaty of
• Harsh terms of the treaties, especially the
Treaty of Versailles, caused lasting Versailles fueled bitterness and resentment in
problems for Germany. Germany.
• Germany's economy suffered greatly due • Extremist ideologies like Nazism found fertile
to massive reparations, leading to ground in the climate of injustice and
inflation and economic instability. resentment.
• Imposed military restrictions weakened • Long-term consequences allowed Adolf Hitler
Germany's defense capabilities, leaving
the country vulnerable to future conflicts. and the Nazi Party to rise to power.

• These factors significantly contributed to the
Loss of territory and colonies fueled
nationalist sentiments and a sense of outbreak of World War II.
humiliation among Germans. • Unresolved issues and deep divisions among
nations persisted due to the consequences of
Thank you!
Source: ChatGPT and IGCSE Hist book

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