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Preschool-age children develop a sense of independence by practicing skills

and doing things for themselves. Developing independence in children is not
easy. It can take an infinite amount of patience. In order to raise a child who
will become increasingly more independent as they grow older, we should
teach them life skills, give them responsibilities, allow them to make their own
decisions, and encourage self-confidence.

As parents, it’s hard not to groan at the thought of our preschoolers racing for
the step stool, climbing up, and then trying to pour themselves a glass of milk.
Letting children carry out tasks often means that the task will take twice as
long — and be three times as messy. And it can be hard to watch your child
try, fail and feel frustrated or disappointed. Given how high our stress levels
are at the moment, our tolerance for inconvenience and mess may be more
limited than usual.

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