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 The Battle of Tabuk, occurred in 630 AD, was a

battle against the Roman Byzantine Empire
  Prophet Muhmmad (SAW) led an army of 30,000
This battle started the series of Arab-
Byzantine Wars
Cause of the Battle
 The Roman Byzantine Empire showed an
excessive antagonism towards the Muslims.
 They killed Haris bin Umair Al- Azdi, an ambassador of
the Prophet (SAW).
 Romans did this  to instill fear in the other tribes, as the
rise of Muslims was considered quite a fearful event in
the perspective of other tribes.
      Causes of the Expedition of Tabuk 
The Christians had a hostile relation with Muslims
since the time of the Battle of Mautah. 
The Byzantines were afraid of the growth of
Muslims and the spread of Islam.
 Caesar, Heraclius, could not ignore the progressive
danger threatening his borders. So, he concluded to
demolish the power of Muslims before they became
powerful enough to conquer.
 To meet the requirements, Caesar gathered a
massive army of the Byzantines to launch a decisive
Expedition to Tabuk
The Expedition  of Tabuk, also known as the Expedition of
The news of the Byzantine’s preparation had spread fear
amongst the Muslims of Madinah.
That was a difficult time for Muslims to wage a war because
there was a famine going on in Hijaz. Date crop was ready to
harvest and weather was intensively hot.
Few tribesmen brought the news of Heraclius’ preparation
and equipment of an enormous army numbering over 40,000.
 The Prophet (S.A.W) thought if he delayed the situation, it
would leave an awful impression on Islam and the credibility
of the Muslim army.
Preparation for Battle
Despite the hardships that Muslims were suffering
from, he (S.A.W) was determined to spoil Romans’
attempt to approach the land of Muslims
 The Prophet (S.A.W) ordered his companions to get
ready for battle and sent messengers towards other
tribes for their assistance.
 Almost all Muslims responded positively except
hypocrites who made excuses to stay behind, only
three people with true faith did not participate in this
Muslims did not have enough supplies and arms,
so Prophet (S.A.W) asked Muslims to contribute to
the expedition.
Preparation for Battle
The companions contributed largely at the time. 
Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) donated all of his wealth,
leaving himself with nothing but Allah and His
Messenger as a fortune for his family.
Hazrat Umar (R.A) gave half of his wealth.
 Hazrat Usman (R.A) donated 300 camels, 50
horses, and 10,000 Dinars.
The Prophet (S.A.W) remarked: “Whatever Uthman
does from this day onward, he will suffer no
Hazrat Abdur Rehman bin Auf (R.A) paid 8000
Dirhams worth of silver.
 Muslim women also contributed by donating their
Administrative Affiars
Prophet (S.A.W) appointed Mohammad bin Maslamah (R.A) as in
charge of Madinah, and Hazrat Ali (R.A) was left to look after the
women and children.
 Hazrat Ali (R.A) asked prophet (S.A.W), but he (S.A.W) turned him back
to Madinah by saying: “Are you not content, Ali, that you are to me as
Haroon was to Musa, except that there will be no Prophet after me?”

Ali ibn Talib (R.A)

 Hazrat Ali was Known as Asadullah – The Lion of Allah, due
to his courage and bravery, he was elected as the fourth
Muslim Caliph.
Bilal ibn Rabah(R.A)
 Bilal ibn Rabah R.A, the first Muazzin of Islam, was one of the
most trusted and loyal companions of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad (SAW).
             Departing for Battle
n 630 A.D. / 9 A.H, 30,000 men marched towards Tabuk under the leadership
of the Prophet (S.A.W) to face the Byzantines.
There was a shortage of mounts, to the extent that eighteen men mounted
one camel in turns. 
Due to the lack of provisions, the army had to eat leaves, and few others had
to slaughter their camels. It was a challenging journey that took seven days. 
After arriving at Tabuk and camping there, the Muslim army was ready to face
the enemy.
 However, the Roman army was surprised that Muslims did not show up for
combat. The Prophet (S.A.W) sent small expeditions to various neighboring
 Consequently, the alliance of Christian tribes (Tabuk, Dumat, Ailah and
Taima) agreed to come under the protection of Muslims and were ready to
give Jizya. 
Prophet (S.A.W) gave them a guarantee letter.
Departing for Battle (cont...)
Romans had withdrawn from the border towns and decided not to
encroach on Muslims’ land. 
 Prophet (S.A.W) saw no reason to pursue them in their territory, He
returned to Madinah after 20 days. While returning, the hypocrites tried
to kill the Prophet (S.A.W) but Hazrat Huzaifa (R.A) well-defended Prophet
About this event, the Quran states: “And they resolved that (plot to
murder Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W)) which they were unable to carry
out.” (9:74 Al-Tauba) 
Decision Regarding Hypocrites
Upon Prophet (S.A.W)’s arrival in Madinah, the hypocrites who had stayed
behind presented their excuses.
 Prophet (S.A.W) did not criticize them. He (S.A.W) leaves their matter with
As for the three sincere believers, Kab bin Malik (R.A), Murra bin Rabi
(R.A) and Hilal bin Umayya (R.A), who favored speaking the truth, Allah’s
Messenger (S.A.W) directed his companions not to talk to them
 After 50 days’ shunning, Allah turned to them. Allah revealed the verses of
Surah Tauba and accepted their repentance.
And ˹Allah has also turned in mercy to˺ the three who
had remained  behind, ˹whose guilt distressed them˺
until the earth, despite its  vastness, seemed to close
in on them, and their souls were torn in  anguish. They
knew there was no refuge from Allah except in Him. Then
He  turned to them in mercy so that they might repent.
Surely Allah ˹alone˺  is the Accepter of Repentance,
Most Merciful. 
  (Surah Tauba - 118)    
Significance of Tabuk Expedition
The failure of Romans in their attempt to invade Arabian lands
brought prestige and strength to Muslims in the Arabian
It confirmed the Muslims’ domination all over Arabia, and it was
clear to everybody that the power of Islam and its followers
would live among the Arabs.
Moreover, unbelievers and the hypocrite who continuously
relied on Byzantines for support to work against Islam had lost
their hopes.
Realizing that there was no way out and that they had failed,
they gave up their attempts. Though, after the death of Abdullah
bin Ubai, Allah ordered Muslims to treat them severely. 
Allah revealed the truth about the Masjid Al-Diraar.
They never worshipped there, but they utilized it as a
secret place to plot and conspire against Islam. After
receiving a revelation, Prophet (S.A.W) sent his
companions to demolish the mosque.
Islam spread all over Arabia.
 The Expedition of Tabuk was the last campaign of the
Prophet (S.A.W).
The vast number of delegations visited successively to
meet Allah’s Messenger (S.A.W) to accept faith or join
hands with him.
These delegations were frequent and more numerous
than those which came after the conquest of Makkah. 
Consolidation of Islam
At the end of the 9th Hijra, Arabia had been unified under the
banner of Islam.
 Pilgrimage became obligatory for Muslims in this year with the
following revelation “Pilgrimage thereto is duty men owe to Allah
those who can afford the journey.” (Al – Imran 3:97) 
Abu Bakr (R.A) was appointed the Ameer-ul-Haj. Henceforward, the
non-Muslims were not allowed to visit the Kaaba or perform the

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