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The problem and its Background of the Study

Education is a discipline that is concerned with methods of teaching and learning in schools or school-
like environments as opposed to various nonformal and informal means of socialization (Arnove,
In connection to what is stated above, learning style is an individual’s preferred way of gathering,
organizing, and thinking about information. It is considered as the behaviors related to the
psychological, comprehensible, and affective domains of interaction with learning environments
(Fleming, 2001). Moreover, learning style involves learners’ preferred ways to receive, process, and
recall information during instruction which is related to learner motivation and information-processing
habits (Aragon, Johnson, & Shaik, 2002).
Background of the Study

According to the research of Hussain and Sultan (2010), academic procrastination can predict
learning performance and evoke psychological problems. Moreover, academic procrastination brings
about painful feelings and negative learning experiences (Sirois & Pychyl, 2013). Furthermore,
academic procrastination might have an adverse effect on homework completion (Grunschel, Patrzek, &
Fries, 2012), and even influence the decision to drop out of distance learning courses. For this instance,
when learning at a distance, procrastinators often feel motivated to work on their course at the
beginning, but then feel like dropping out after some time (Michinov et al., 2011). These studies
considered procrastination in distance learning before the coronavirus outbreak. Since the outbreak,
teachers have needed to increase their use of distance online learning, but only a limited number of
studies have explored the relationship in these circumstances. Thus, the role that academic
procrastination played during the lockdown period is a focus of this study.
In agreement to what is stated above, academic procrastination usually does not just happen, but there
are factors behind it (shatz,2014). Among the influencing factors is irrational thoughts, namely the
assumption that a task must be completed perfectly, Anxiety because of their ability to be evaluated,
fear of failure and difficulty making decisions, or because they need help from others to do their
work, Lazy and has difficulty managing time and dislikes tasks, The existence of rewards and
punishments so that they feel safer if they do not do it immediately because it can produce something
that is not optimal, Observation factors from the environment such as school or family, The piling
up of tasks that must be done immediately so that the acceleration of one task causes the
delay of another task (Wolters & Benzon, 2013).
Academic procrastination also refers to the tendency of postponing school-related activities
such as assignments and projects where it occurs to students of all ages (Schraw, Wadkins &
Olafson, 2007). According to McCloskey (2011), it can affect individuals who are procrastinating
by experiencing stress or anxiety in hastening to meet the deadline in a short span of time.
Procrastination can be traced to underlying and more complex psychological reasons
(Spring,2007). These dynamics are often made worse by schools where students are constantly
being evaluated, and especially in college where the pressure for grades is high and a lot can be
riding on students' performance. In reality, procrastination is often a self-protection strategy for
students. For example, if a student procrastinate, then that student always have the excuse of
"not having enough" time in the event that you fail, so your sense of your ability is never
threatened. When there is so much pressure on getting a good grade on, say, a paper, it's no
wonder that students want to avoid it and so put off their work. For the most part, our reasons for
delaying and avoiding are rooted in fear and anxiety-about doing poorly, of doing too well, of
losing control, of looking stupid, of having one's sense of self or self-concept challenged.
Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to investigate the level of academic procrastination among Grade 8-
Newton Especially, it aims to answer the following question.
1.What makes the Grade 8-Newton of West Fairview High School procrastinate?
2.What is the level of academic procrastination among the respondents?
3.Why the respondents suffer from procrastination?
Significance of the study

Students. This will help them realize whether the knowledge and skills developed in the
program would be useful to them in their future careers. It will also encourage them to
appreciate and pursue their course.
Parents. Children must have their parents' support in order to succeed in school, but they
shouldn't demand top marks to prevent them from cramming.
Community. Don't make a snap judgment on the grade you got because once it stays in
your mind, the study won't go effortlessly. Instead, give support to motivate the study and
improve the grade.
Future Researchers. This study would help the student researchers to be aware and
knowledgeable of the processes. It would help them to be a better analyst and it can be a
help as a future reference for more studies in the future.
Conceptual Framework

Procrastination is mutual phenomena in academic perspectives, particularly in atmospheres where

students have to meet targets for project accomplishment, which needs student’s concentration
and time (Geri, & Gafn 2010). This condition needs learners to manage their time regularly
through the course. Insufficient self-regulation, which exhibits itself as procrastination, is associated
to a diversity of negative study performances (Stott, Stewart, & Nuttall, 2016).
Since procrastinators have comparatively short periods of time for accomplishing academic
tasks, they hurry to accomplish their task (You, 2015). In another procrastination study, Steel
(2007) states that resilient, reliable predictors of procrastination seemed in the forms of task delay
and task aversion. In similar line, Buluş, Duru, & Balkıs, (2006) revealed that negative time
management is among the important predictors of academic procrastination behavior.
Scope And Limitation of the study

The main objective of this research is to identify the level of procrastination in of all Grade 8-Newton
West Fairview High School learners for the School year 2022-2023.
In Grade 8-Newton have a 36 students,18 Boys and 18 Girls.
Learners will be Answer the Questionnaire. The revision of the questionnaire was based on the
recommendation of our teacher in Math
Definition of Terms

Academic procrastination. Academic procrastination occurs when students postpone completion

of activities, projects, and assignments unnecessarily. Such procrastination may create
unnecessary stress and anxiety for people when they attempt to complete their assignments with
rush until the last deadline.
Modality. A learning delivery modality where learning takes place between the teacher and the
learners who are geographically remote from each other during instruction.
Online class. An online class is a course conducted over the Internet. They are generally
conducted through a learning management system, in which students can view their course
syllabus and academic progress, as well as communicate with fellow students and their course
Pandemic. is like an epidemic but even more widespread over several countries or continents.
Psychological. any attempt to understand phenomena related to intelligent behavior.
According to Steel (2023), procrastination is one of the self-regulatory failures that cannot be
explained until now; it is also a current and destructive behavior in this era. So, Steel reviewed the
relevant conceptual, theoretical and empirical works resulting in correlational, experimental and
qualitative findings. a meta-analysis of procrastination’s possible causes and effects shows that
neuroticism, rebelliousness, and sensation seeking show only a weak connection. In addition, Steel
also said that the following are the strong and consistent signs of procrastination: task aversiveness,
task delay, self-efficacy, and impulsiveness, as well as conscientiousness and its facets of self-
control, distractibility, organization, and achievement motivation.
Moreover Foreign scholars have already begun to study procrastination as early as the 1980s,
and have come to a lot of research conclusions. Firouzeh (2013) explored the relationship
between academic procrastination and academic achievement from the perspective of self-
efficacy and achievement motivation. Krausehas (2014) shown that there is more procrastination
when individuals dislike the task and experience fear of failure. Sirois suggested that self-
compassion is a mediator of the relationship between stress and procrastination, when the
individual has low self-compassion; the negative correlation between pressure and
procrastination is weaker (Sirois, 2014). Harrison argued that self-efficacy and perfectionism are
negatively related to procrastination and lead to poor academic performance.
Yilmaz (2017) compared the relation between assignment and exam performances between the
distance learning and face-to-face students at a Turkish state university. Academic procrastination
and assignment scores were negatively correlated in both the distance learning and face-to-face
groups. However, this effect was greater in the distance learning group. Interestingly enough,
academic procrastination and exam scores were correlated to each other only in the face-to-face
group while there was no correlation between total assignment and exam score in the distance
learning group. The author offered an explanation that distance learning offers an advantage to
procrastinating students because all exam study materials are readily available. Findings of the
study suggested that distance learning environments are disadvantageous to procrastinators.
Distance education courses place more demand on self-regulation than traditional face-to face
education (Klingsieck, Fries, et al, 2012). Accordingly, it is no surprise that time management and
independent learning skills are critical to success in online education (Liu, Gomez, et al , 2007).
Students who have disabling and habitual procrastinating behavior patterns lack these skills.
Parker humorously (2015) describes them as “human ostriches” because they automatically stick
their heads in the sand to avoid dealing with unpleasant, complicated, frustrating or boring tasks
Chu and Choi‘s study found that some individual delays were due to their preference for
pressure to deliberately take procrastination, and the pressure preference was the core
feature of the active procrastination. According to conservation of resources theory, the loss
of resources will produce pressure, and the pressure will lead to individual investment
resources. In order to make their resources to achieve the best level of optimization, the
active procrastinators tend to be evaluated before action. And after thinking, they choose to
postpone the task of learning initiatively, so as to focus on the more important things, such as
access to more resources. Previous studies have shown that employment pressure can
promote active procrastination (Wang Hua, Ji Wei & Xu Dandan, 2015).
Based on conservation of resources theory, in the face of the academic stress of the fear of
failure and perfectionism pursuit, individuals will actively take the initiative to access to
resources in order to complete the academic task, and active procrastination will happen.
Research on active procrastination has shown that active procrastination has a positive effect
on performance (Kim K R & Seo E H, 2015)
LOCAL LITERATURE- is an informative booklet or other means
of information that informs people about the local environment.
Grace Shangkuan Koo, a columnist in the Inquirer newspaper, blogged something about
procrastination entitled as “Why do people procrastinate? “According to Koo, procrastinating has to do
with estimation. Almost everyone procrastinates and there are some more than others. She also said
that people procrastinate or doing things off when they overestimated the time they have or
underestimated how long it takes to accomplish a task. Also, people may overestimate their abilities
and motivation, expecting that things will go smoothly without a flaw. She also mentioned that people
use all sorts of excuses to justify their procrastination: It’s either they do not know how to complete or
they really don’t know what needs to be done. Sometimes, they will say that they are not in the mood
or they forget. To blame others or waiting for the right moment or for inspiration is also one of the
excuses. Another thing that Koo expressed in the blog is that people may also think that they can do
better under pressure, waiting until the last minute, believing they can finish on time and do other
tasks. She mentioned that there is research who said that there are active and passive procrastinators:
The active ones are those who works under pressure and finishes the tasks on time while on the other
hand, the passive procrastinators are those who continue to wait and delay and never get to
accomplish their work. Incorrection to what stated above, Perfectionism could also be the cause of
procrastination. Unhealthy or neurotic perfectionists aims at unrealistic high standards and is afraid to
fail. They are also paralyzed to even initiate a work (Koo, 2013).
Mandap,(2016) from Bulacan State University wrote an online journal where she states that
academic procrastination can be considered as a behavioral and cognitive phenomenon which
draws out from an individual’s fear of failure or task aversiveness (Solomon & Rothblum,1984).
The fear of failure is related to low self-confidence where individuals delay tasks because of the
fear or belief that they will not accomplish it. Students with high confidence can somehow
respond positively to the academic challenges despite the difficulty of work.
Cerezo, Sánchez-Santillán, Paule-Ruiz and Núñez, (2016) used educational data mining logs
from Moodle, their learning management system, to measure, among other things,
procrastination and level of achievement in undergraduate psychology students in a Northern
Spain state university. After identifying and grouping patterns of learning, their research
indicated students who handed in assignments later were more likely to receive a lower score.
Utilizing educational data mining of e-learning log files and the usage of learning indicators in
the Moodle learning management system.
Kim and Seo, 2015) reported that academic procrastination is more strongly correlated with academic
performance in younger students. It is interesting to note that Arnott and Dacko (2014) previously
suggested that procrastination be addressed in first year students.
Grunschel, Patrzek, Klingsieck & Fries (2018) found that procrastinators who completed a five-week
group training based on a cyclical process model of self-regulated learning significantly reduced
academic procrastination and reported improved time management skills. Levy and Ramim (2012)
utilized data analytic techniques to review a dataset to identify the number of online exam records.
Analyzing five terms of data, students turned in assignments on the last day of a weeklong task
completion window. Goroshit (2018) measured the relationship between self-reported studying
procrastination and final course grade when mediated by three different measures of participation in
online course assignments. She observed negative but weak direct relationships between self-
reported academic procrastination and academic achievement and stressed the need for further
study of academic interventions for academic procrastination.
Rotenstein, Davis, and Tatum (2009) researched time of submission of seven online
assignments for graduating students taking a financial accounting course for non-accounting
majors. Utilizing a program that tracked time of assignment download as well as submission,
they reviewed two measures of procrastination from a pool of assignments. They studied Start
(the number of hours from submission download to due date) and Finish (the number of hours
from submission to due date). Their conclusion was that “early birds” (students who started or
finished sooner) received significantly higher grades than “just-in-timers” (students who started
or finished later).

A MODERATED DUAL-MEDIATION MODEL. Journal on Innovation and Sustainability. RISUS ISSN 2179-3565, 9(2), 38.
Review of Related Literature | PDF | Procrastination | Professional Skills. (n.d.). Scribd. Retrieved May 28, 2023, from

Revilla, J. (n.d.). Effects of Procrastination or Cramming on the Senior High Students of STI College of Santa Rosa.

Jones, I. (2021). Year two: Effect of procrastination on academic performance of undergraduate online students. Research
in Higher Education Journal, 39.
Chapter 3

This chapter describes the procedure or approach employed during the study. It will explain
the reasons or what kind of methodologies that were used. Chapter sections includes:
research design, the respondents of the study, research instrument, data gathering
procedure, and statistical treatment of data.

Researchers aim to investigate the academic procrastination among Grade 8 students at West
Fairview High School, employing quantitative research method. The quantitative component will
involve the distribution of a survey questionnaire to a larger sample of Grade 8 students. This
survey will include standardized scales to measure procrastination tendencies, time management
skills, self-regulation abilities, and academic performance. By combining qualitative insights from
interviews with the statistical analysis of survey data, the research aims to provide a
comprehensive understanding of the level of procrastination among Grade 8 students at West
Fairview High School. The findings of this study will contribute to the existing literature on student
procrastination and offer insights for educators and parents on how to address and mitigate
procrastination tendencies among students.

The respondents in this study are Grade 8 students in West Fairview Highschool, a total of 46
students. Academic procrastination is the propensity of students to put off tasks that are relevant
to their education, such as but not limited to submitting assignments and projects, performing
research, and studying. The respondents were Grade 8 students since they are affected too by
the factors mentioned.

In this study, the researcher will be using an online survey. Online survey is a set of questions that have
been carefully organized to be answered as a way to gather information and facts online. The first part,
the researchers made a survey in Google Forms they use a Likert scale method it is a rating scale
used to quantify attitudes, behaviors, and views and structure consists of a statement or a question.
The respondents can select the choice that most accurately reflects their feelings towards the
statement or topic. In the second step, researchers wrote a permission letter for the teachers. So that
the respondents can appropriately respond to the survey and can gather the necessary data.

First, the researchers prepared a letter for the head and created a survey with pertinent
questions. Second, the researchers looked for Grade 8 respondents who were currently
studying in West Fairview Highschool. The subject is requested to give permission to
participate in the study by the researchers. Given that students’ schedule are alternative, digital
and face to face. The researchers used Google Forms to get the required data.
The statistical treatment of data is required in order to utilize the data correctly. The collecting of raw data is merely
one part of any experiment. Data arrangement is also critical in order to draw proper conclusions.

1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution

A frequency and percentage distribution is a data display that shows the proportion of observations for each
data point or collection of data points.
Creating a frequency and percentage distribution entails determining the total number of observations to be shown
as well as counting the total number of observations within each data point or grouping of data points.
P = F/N x 100
P= percentage
F= frequency
N= number of respondents
To do this, divide the frequency by the total number of results and multiply by 100. In this case, the frequency
of the first row is 1 and the total number of results is 10. The percentage would then be 10.0. The final column is the
Cumulative percentage.
Result of the survey

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