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English 9
Direct Quotations

• “Keep your eyes on the stars,” said Theodore Roosevelt, “but

remember to keep your feet on the ground.”
• Theodore Roosevelt said that people should keep their eyes on the
stars while still staying grounded.
“Short” Titles

• Short stories, short poems, songs, chapters, articles, parts of books,


• O. Henry included the short story “The Ransom of Red Chief” in an

anthology entitled Whirligigs.
Exact words of a speaker

• “When is Grandpa arriving?” asked Catherine

“,”“.”• ”Jason is my friend,” Joe said. “We can’t leave him out of the game.”
• The book of John says, “Jesus wept”; it is the shortest verse in the
“”;“”: Bible.
• “Hooray!” shouted the cheerleaders.
• Who said, “Let them eat cake”?
Begin a new paragraph each time
the speaker changes


Use quotation marks only at the beginning and at
the end of the quotation.

“The future doesn’t belong to the faint-hearted but to the brave,”

Ronald Reagan said. “The Challenger crew was pulling us into the
future, and we’ll continue to follow them…The crew of the space shuttle
Challenger honored us by the manner in which they lived their lives. We
will never forget.”
Use single quotation marks for an element within
a quotation that also requires quotation marks.

“Which American president said ’Ask not what your country can do
for you; ask what you can do for your country’ in his inauguration
address?” asked Mrs. Phelps.
Enclose titles of short stories, short poems, songs, chapters,
articles, and other parts of books and magazines.

• We read Tennyson’s long poem Enoch Arden after reading his short
poem “The Lady of Shalott.”
• W. S. Giblert and Arthur Sullivan wrote the words and music to the
famous song “I Am a Pirate King” for their comic opera The Pirates
of Penzance.
• O. Henry’s short story “The Romance of a Busy Broker” is found in
his book The Four Million.

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