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Activity #1 Name: “Can you draw me?”

 Instruction: Draw and label the anatomy of the egg, you may draw it in a clean sheet of paper
or bond paper.

Activity #3 “How Do I function?”

 Instruction: Fill in the table below by writing the correct answers. Give at least 3 of your
answers. Copy the table in your activity notebook.

A. Describe an B. Nutritive value of an C. Uses of an D. Anatomy of an

Egg Egg Egg Egg

1. 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3. 3.
Activity #4 “Unlock Me”
Instruction: In your activity notebook, unlock the following scrambled words.
1. ELSLH- The egg’s exterior surface which consists the 9 to 12 % of the eggs total weight.
2. LKYO- This is the yellow to yellow or orange portion which consists the 33% total liquid weight of the
3. BRANMMESE- These Are the shell layer and the vitelline layer.
4. OCASULAHFEIRS- The inner thick white layer of the egg which is responsible for keeping the yolk in the
5. MBLENAU- This is produced from the oviduct (passage way of the fallopian tube to the ovaries

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