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Our presentation on

“The Barriers to and

opportunities for improving
college life”
Names: Kamieka Thompson
Eboney Elliott
Kerron Dixon

The barriers to improve college life can be defined

as the obstacles that students face while enroll in
This research is carried out to evaluate the barriers
college, these barriers can include: financial issues
that students encounter in their college life, and
and under preparation. However, opportunities are
opportunities to improve their college life as well
offered to improve students college life, for
as recommendations to improve college life, a
example students are given the opportunities to go
survey will be conducted where college students
on the summer travel and work program. College
are given questions to answer in regards to the
students are also recommended to pay keen
research topic.
attention to their academic life and social life in
order to be a successful graduate.
Barriers To Improving College Life
 College tuition costs
Part of the decision to attend college involves answering the question,
“How am I going to pay for this?” if the prospective student does not
know how the financial system works, this can be a daunting question.
Many first generation college students come from a low socio-economic
background and may lack the financial knowledge and resources that
students with college-educated parents have. It is not uncommon for first
generation college students to work full time while going to school due
to loans and family dependence on their income (Bers & Schuetz, 2014).
Employment may interfere with time dedicated to class, homework, and
school engagements that are critical to success. Many first generation
college students leave college so they can work more hours to support
themselves or their family.
 Under- preparation
College readiness is defined as the academic and practical knowledge
needed to be successful in higher education. Often students don’t take
the course in high school to set them up for college success, forcing
them to take non-credit remedial or development coursework to make up
for the loss-setting them back from the beginning. Students may also
lack the study skills needed to tackle college-level coursework.
 Institutional barriers
Many students have difficulty navigating systems such as
enrollment, financial aid and other processes. For example, studies
have found that students need help understanding course and degree
requirements, or sidetracked by failing to register for the right courses
on time.
Barriers To
Improving  Intimidated or Ineffective at persuasive speaking

College Life Being heard and influencing others depends on the power of
persuasion . Yet, as the joke goes, people fear speaking in public
more than death. Getting into the habit of critical thinking and asking
the 5Ws (who, what, when, where, why) helps learn better and
organize your thoughts for better speaking and writing. As you review
your learning, put it in your own words, ask yourself why you believe
it you will do better at public speaking.
Lack of role model

Barriers To
Improving Students with role models have a head start on building their
College Life identity as a student and/or professional. Lack of a role model
often comes with a lack of experience and support for the rigors of
college. First generation college students lack parental role,
models and support and are at a special disadvantage. It pays to be
friendly and build friendships with students who want to succeed
and inspire you. Finding a mentor is very important it help you
learn to navigate the barriers and thrive in college.
 At least think about studying abroad
Studying abroad is a unique experience that is unlike any other
and most students who don’t take the opportunity regret it. Look
into the programs your school offers and, at the very least,
consider the opportunities given. It’s a great way to see the
world and get college credit at the same time.
 Get involved For
Get involved on campus through volunteer work, social
awareness groups, sports, clubs or something else you’re
passionate about. Being young is all about changing the world
and making your voice matter- now is the time to be heard it’s a
College Life
great way to meet people and make new friends. College isn’t
just about academics, you want to get the full experience, which
includes these other aspects as well.
 Path funds
If college students are Path Beneficiaries they are illegible to get a pant
grant offered by the Government of Jamaica and the World Bank, which
helps to fund their school fee and this enables less pressure on their
parents budget, in this case students are required to apply for this grant Opportunities
as soon as possible.

 Good time management

College Life
Why is time management important for students? Good time
management skills help students prioritize tasks so they are able to
complete school work and assignments on time. Students are able to
plan ahead, set aside the time they need for projects and assignments,
and make better use of that time. Becoming better at managing time
allows students to become more organized, more confident, and learn
more effectively. It can also help students avoid the dreaded
procrastination problem.
 Be smart about money
Being strategic about your finances throughout your college years will make your

Recommendations life much easier in the short and long term. When it comes to any private student
loans, be diligent in your research, and find the lowest interest rate possible and
compare fees too. Any opportunity such as work and travel program offered be
willing to take this opportunity which can benefit you in the future.

 Make teamwork work for you

Some students feel more comfortable taking the “lone wolf” route while at college,
but sharing the load can be really helpful. Successful college students tend to ask for
help and offer support. Networking with friends, roommates, and classmates can
make studying and working on projects much easier.
 Organization and time management
A clutter-free-space means a clutter-free mind. Being organized will
minimize noise and distraction and allow you to focus on important tasks,
like term papers and exams. Successful college students are organized,
establish your own organizing method. For example, you can use folders
to organize your class notes and keep them in separate files.

Recommendations  Take care of your health

College is stressful. Neglecting your mental and physical health will only
make things worse. Keeping a healthy mind and body will help you
through stressful times and keep you on track to achieve your goals.
Prioritizing your sleep is one of the pillars in maintaining a healthy
lifestyle. Try to avoid late-night, last-minute study sessions and rushing to
complete assignments.
 It is recommended that students need to be able to make informed decisions
about their educational and career plans. They need honest information about
what different programs entail, what career opportunities exists for graduates,
what those jobs pay, and what the work itself is like. Students considering online
classes need to understand the technology and resources required for success.

 In conclusion college students are faced with many challenges
being enroll in college, on the other hand opportunities are
given to improve their college life, they are also
CONCLUSI recommended to take the opportunities that are offered
because no-one knows what the future holds.

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