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An Introduction to

Open Source

Presented by
Department of Computer Science
SRM Institue of Science and Technology
Open Source Software
A software whose source code is freely
distributed with a license to study, change
and further distributed to anyone for any
purpose is called open source software
Examples of OpenSource OS
Advantages of OSS
Cost Effective
Better Security
Disadvantages of Open Source Software
Not generally straightforward to use.
Incompatibility issue with software and
Bad Codes,
Software quality assurance process is
widely not transparent
No financial incentive
Types of Software
Proprietary Software
Common Web Development Architecture
What is LAMP Stack ?

LAMP stands for Linux, Apache,

MySQL, and PHP. Together, they provide
a proven set of software for delivering
high-performance web applications. Each
component contributes essential
capabilities to the stack:
The Components
LAMP consists of
Linux -Operating System
Apache –Most Popular Web Server (Web
service platform originally developed for
Linux/Unix servers)
MySQL -Database server
PHP -Scripting language
The Architecture of LAMP Stack
Thank You…

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