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Presented to: Ma’am Aqeela Iqbal

Presented by: Saqib Saeed Chaudhary
Introduction to Pneumonia
Inflammation and consolidation of lung tissue due to infectious agent.

Pneumonia is an infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs.


Microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, or fungi) enter the lungs.

The immune system responds, causing inflammation and accumulation of fluid in the air
sacs (alveoli).

This leads to reduced oxygen exchange and symptoms of pneumonia.

• Bacterial Pneumonia: Common pathogens include Streptococcus pneumoniae,
Haemophilus influenzae, and Staphylococcus aureus.
• Viral Pneumonia: Influenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and SARS-CoV-
2 are common viral causes.
• Aspiration Pneumonia: Occurs when stomach contents or foreign substances are inhaled
into the lungs.
• Fungal Pneumonia: Typically affects individuals with weakened immune systems.
Epidemiology and Diagnosis
1. Epidemiology:
1. Pneumonia affects millions of adults worldwide each year.
2. It is more prevalent in older adults, young children, and individuals with certain risk factors
(chronic lung disease, immunosuppression, smoking).

2. Clinical Presentation:
1. Symptoms: Cough, fever, chest pain, rapid breathing, and fatigue.
2. Physical examination: Crackling sounds in the lungs (rales), increased respiratory rate, and
decreased breath sounds.

3. Diagnostic Approaches:
1. Chest X-ray: Reveals areas of inflammation and consolidation in the lungs.
2. Blood tests: Elevated white blood cell count and inflammatory markers.
3. Sputum culture: Identifies bacterial pathogens.
4. PCR or antigen tests: Used to detect viral causes like influenza or SARS-CoV-2.
1. Conservative Management:
1. Adequate rest and hydration.
2. Over-the-counter medications for symptom relief (e.g., fever reducers, cough suppressants).

2. Antibiotic Therapy:
1. Prescribed for bacterial pneumonia based on sputum culture and sensitivity results.
2. Empirical antibiotics may be initiated before results are available in severe cases.

3. Antiviral Therapy:
1. Used for viral pneumonia, such as influenza or COVID-19.
2. Specific antiviral drugs target the virus and reduce the severity and duration of symptoms.

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