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• It is communication amoung the people of an organisation not on the
basis of formal relationship like friendship, members of the same
department or division, club or the same place of birth and, therefore,
is free from all the organizational formalities.
• The exchange of informal messages usually takes place on the
occasion of community meals, social occasions, parties. On such
occasions, the superiors gather such information from their
subordinates as may be difficult to get through formal communication.
Such communication includes comments or suggestions
Informal Channels of communication
• Informal channel of communication is an unofficial and unstructured
channel which is not prescribed by the organization but exists due to
personal and social needs of people working in an organization.
• Information that passes through informal channels means is not
official but may be merely rumors or gossips
• Along with formal channel , every organization has informal channel
of communication that is equally effective
Characteristics of
Informal channels of
• It is popularly referred to as
This is because it runs in all
directions irrespective of the
formal structure.

• Spontaneous
This form of communication is
more spontaneous in nature. As a
result of this spontaneity, the
receiver may often not know what
to expect.
Characteristics of Informal channels of
• Flexible
Unlike formal communication, its counterpart is more flexible in nature
since it is free from formal restrictions.

• Rapid Flow of Information

Unlike formal communication, its counterpart flows at an incredibly
rapid pace. Because of this, rumors can spread at an alarmingly fast rate.
Characteristics of Informal channels of Communication

• Not Controlled by Authority

With grapevine and other similar types of communication, the narrative
is not controlled by the management or the authorities. And since
regular people or employees are responsible for the flow of information,
it could either be accurate or could be deemed as inaccurate.

• Generally Via Verbal Means of Communication

Typically, this type of communication takes place verbally instead of
written form.
Channels Used in informal Communication

• Informal Communication is conveyed through verbal and gestural means in all directions
with the help of the following media:

 Personal conversation and gossip;

Whatapp groups
Unofficial discussion;
Spontaneous advice and suggestion;
Facial expression;
Body movement;
Informal Channels
of Communication

Whatsapp groups have

become a popular channel
of communicating
informal or unofficial
Types of Grapevine Communication
Since grapevine works through informal channels, it does not follow
any scheduled path or operate by specific rules. Specialists in the field
have classified grapevine communication into four types:
1. Single Strand Chain.
2. Gossip Chain,
3. Probability Chain,
4. Cluster Chain.
Types of grapevine communication
1.Single Strand Chain:

In this type of grapevine communication the information passes through

a number of persons like a chain. A tells something to B, who tells it to
C, who tells it to D and so on.
It is generally a long chain.
Types of grapevine

2.Gossip Chain:
 The communication starts when a
person tells something to a group of
people, and then they pass on the
information to some more people
and in this way the information is
passed on to everyone.
 Here, in this picture. A is at the
centre and transmits messages to
‘B’, ‘C\ ‘D\ ‘E\ ‘F, ‘G’, and ‘H’
around him/her.
Types of grapevine

3. Cluster Chain
 In this type one person tells something to some
selected trust worthy persons. Some of these
persons may inform a few selected other
 Here in the picture, A tells some selected and
trustworthy persons, B, C and D. B again relays
it to his selected persons, E and F. C tells G, a
person of his choice and D tells H and I.
 The Cluster network is probably the most
popular type of networking in informal
Types of grapevine
Probability Chain
 It is a random process in which information
may move from one person to any other person
or persons according to law of probability.
 Naturally, in this type of communication, some
people of the organisation will be informed and
some others will remain outside the arena of the
 Here, in the illustration, E, F, G and K are
outside the communication chain. This chain is
used when information is interesting but less
 The source of information for each of the
person hearing the message is different.
Causes of grapevine Communication
• To understand the significance of grapevine communication, leaders need to know
why it happens in the first place. In the workplace, things can change at a moment’s
notice. New procedures, new hires, layoffs, the implementation of new software are
all things that workers have to think about daily.
• As a result, employees have a desire to know about happenings that could impact
their work day in a way that is not filtered through the messaging of senior
• Combine this with the fact that humans have an inherent desire to communicate
with others and promote a sense of belonging, and you have the makings of a
highly active grapevine.
• While this type of communication is informal, it is still vital for leaders to
understand the impact it has on the work environment.
Causes of grapevine Communication
Some of the situations that make people active in the grapevine are
listed below:

• Emotion and excitement of employees.

• Insecurity of job. Involvement of friends and associations.
• Recent and exceptional information.
• Job itself. Personality or personal nature of the employee
The Importance of Grapevine Communication

• It is essential for leaders not to underestimate the reach of grapevine communication.

In an organization where formal communication is poor, informal discussions can
complement whatever is lacking.
• These systems can also reveal the source of misinformation and the spread of harmful
• It can be a temperature check for management to see if workers are satisfied, which
can provide some insight into potential turnovers.
• Grapevine communication can reveal a lot about an organization: how much workers
trust senior management, an increase in conflict, workplace satisfaction, and informal
groups who have power in gaining and spreading information.
• Grapevine communication is natural, but leaders have to decide how much it is
benefitting or hurting the company.
Advantages of Informal
Channels of Communication

 Improved interpersonal relationship:

Cooperation and coordination in informal
communication leads to improve
interpersonal relationship which is very
much essential to carry out the business
activity smoothly.
 Improve labor-management
relationships. Free flow of information.
Remove mental distance. Evaluation of
employees. Obtain immediate feedback.
Reliving frustration. Increasing efficiency.
Solution of problems and helping decision-
making. Enhance mutual trust etc.
Advantage of grapevine or informal communication

• Present grievance:
Under the informal system the employees disclose their needs, sentiment
and their emotions to others authority without feeling any hesitation.
• Improved relationship:
Any problem between the workers and the management can be solved by
informal system. So it makes good relationships among the employees and
the management.
• Increase efficiency:
Under the informal system, the employees discuss their problems openly
and they can solve it. For this, the work is done properly and it develops the
efficiency of the employee.
Advantage of grapevine or informal communication

• Providing recommendation:
In this system the employees inform their superior about their demands, problem
and the way to develop the implementation system of the work. As a result it
creates an opportunity to send the recommendation to their management.
• Rapid communication:
Informal communication transmits very fast. Especially miss-information or
rumor spread rapidly to others in the organization.
• Flexibility:
Informal communication is more flexible than formal communication because it
is free from all types of formalities.
Disadvantages of grapevine or informal
• Rumours Can Spread Rapidly
While informal communication is excellent for creating relationships
and producing unity among staff, those same communication flows can
also present opportunities for rumuors to spread. Because messaging is
not pre-determined or controlled, it makes this event even more likely.
This means that other employees might be receiving incorrect
information about procedures, critical changes, or policies from
colleagues or managers. It spreads rumours and endangers consolidation
and unity of the organisation
Disadvantages of grapevine or informal
• Increasing the Divide Between Senior Management and
— If employees are always the last to know about significant
developments, and information that should be released to all workers
has to be spread informally, it can diminish trust and increase the divide
between senior management and the employees who work under them.

— Workers may feel that they have to do this to stay up-to-date on

issues that concern them.
Disadvantages of grapevine or informal
• An Increase in Misunderstandings
— If workers are confused about a message that has travelled through
the grapevine there is no one to talk to for confirmation.

— People likely want to keep their involvement in the movement of

information secret, and some messages might not even be permitted to
travel outside of specific groups.

— Therefore, workers do not have anyone to approach if they have

misunderstood a grapevine message.
Disadvantages of grapevine or informal
• Lack of Control
Informal communication is impossible to control. It is not affiliated with
management-approved channels, and as a result, it does not necessarily
obey the same messaging rules as formal communication. As a result,
problematic issues such as harassment, bullying, or sensitive
information sharing could be taking place. If an employee does not alert
management about these predicaments, it would be impossible for them
to know and stop any problems
Disadvantages of grapevine or informal
• Contradict Formal Communications
Informal communication can directly contradict information sent from
pre-defined channels. Someone may say they heard something different
than the official memo sent from upper management, or a manager
might confuse formal communications and provide an inaccurate
explanation to an employee with a question. Upper management can
dictate when and how messaging flows from their channels, but they
cannot determine how those messages are interpreted or spread to
Disadvantages of grapevine or informal
• No Indication of Where It Started
— If the damaging information is spread throughout the organization,
there is not an easy way to find out who is releasing the information.

— Employees who know may be reluctant to get involved, and morale

can suffer if management has to interrogate various employees privately.
Disadvantages of grapevine or informal
• Lack of Secrecy
Again, a lack of control increases the chance for company secrets to
travel. A rumoured promotion, coming retirement, or the advent of a
new product not yet released to all parts of the company might be
leaked to others who do not need to know. This can potentially damage
a new product release or breach the trust of employees.
Disadvantages of grapevine or informal
• Inaccurate, incomplete and half true information’s are spread through
informal communication as everybody interprets it in his/her own way.
• In most cases it is emotional and full of sentiments which can change
its meaning;
• No one can be held responsible as it is not possible to find out the
supplier of wrong information in the case on an enquiry.
Solutions: How Can Leaders manage the Grapevine
Communication to minimise its negative effects

• The grapevine or informal communication is an inevitable by-product of

workplace communications. Human beings have a desire to communicate with
one another, and this will not always come in a form that is approved by senior
• While there are challenges in managing grapevine communication, managers can
take steps to maintain the natural flow of communications and to instil or preserve
a healthy workplace culture.
• Managers can do the following:
Ways to manage the grapevine
• Understand That the Grapevine Is Here to Stay
— The first step in managing the grapevine is understanding that it is
not something that can be abolished entirely.

— Some managers may think they can completely eradicate informal

communications, and as a result, they can come across as controlling
and stifling.

— Managers need to know that grapevine communication is not going

away, and they would do better to try to work together with employees.
Ways to manage the grapevine
• Recognize Where Informal Communications Are Likely
— Is there always a group at the water cooler?

— Is the breakroom a common meeting group for whispered messages?

Taking notice of where these conversations are taking place will help
leaders to understand who some of the major players are and why they
are happening.
Ways to manage the grapevine
• Develop More Natural Systems for Workers to Communicate
— Leaders can show that they are open to employees communicating
with each other by giving them more mediums to talk such as
collaboration tools, intranets, and lunch socials.

— This will confirm that management is not against workers

communicating and collaborating with one another.

— It will also create opportunities for management also to be involved

in communications to increase employee trust.
Ways to manage the grapevine
• Pre-empt Times of Uncertainty
— It makes perfect sense that in times of uncertainty workers would begin to send more
messages through the grapevine.

— Managers can get ahead of this by including as much information as they can
through formal means: emails, memos, and company-wide meetings.

— Employees do not like to be left in the dark.

— If management has come across a situation they are not sure about; they should be
open about the fact that they do not know.

— This will ease worries and decrease the need to spread potential misinformation.
Ways to manage the grapevine
• Create an Open-Door Policy
— Leaders can indirectly let employees know that they are always welcome to come to the

— If senior leaders have open door policies where employees can stop by to ask questions,
then they might not feel the need to get information elsewhere.

— For this to work, leaders have to be transparent.

— Leaders should let employees know the boundaries of what they can and cannot answer and
the reasons why.

— If it is sensitive information at the time, leaders can tell employees why they cannot explain
it at that time and inform them of when they might be able to.
Ways to manage the grapevine
• Set Boundaries for Informal Communications
While leaders may not be able to control what is said, they can let
workers know what the boundaries are. Any language that could be seen
as harassment, racially charged or inflammatory should be off limits.
Leaders should then hold true to this by establishing a zero-tolerance
rule where this type of dialogue is not protected
Ways to manage the grapevine
• Explain How the Organization Communicates
Surprisingly, some employees may not have any idea about how they
can expect to hear from senior management. This can create uncertainty
if employees are waiting to hear feedback or if workers are waiting for a
decision from senior management. Leaders should be clear if the
communication will be given face-to-face, by email, or in another
Examples of Informal or Grapevine
Communication in an Organisation
1. The manager calls an employee to his chamber and talks with him for
sometimes relating to official work. Rumor is spread that the employee will
be promoted to higher position ignoring the promotion of other employees.
2. The employees of a company have come to know the profit figure for the
year from the accounts department. Somebody among the employees within
the company puts some imagination to it and tells others that the company is
going to offer bonus to the employees on the basis of profit earned.
3. Due to delay in supply and shortage of raw materials the work in a
factory has been stopped for a few days. The workers made it a rumor that
the management authority is going to retrench a large number of employees
• Implementing the right communication channels in an organization
is very important to keeping employees engaged, aligned and to
help them be more productive. Today’s employees feel more
isolated and disengaged from their employers than ever before.

• According to a recent study, the root problem is that 60% of

employees feel less-than-enthusiastic about internal
communications. 40% of them say that their business’ internal
communications are stagnant, with nothing having changed in the
past five years. For that reason, companies are now implementing
new solutions to improve their internal communication efforts.

• However, effective workplace communication is not easy to

achieve. The key is to share the right content with the right
employees at the right time through their preferred channels and
• It is human nature to talk with others. There is no harm in it. However,
in the confines of the workplace environment, leaders have to be sure
that grapevine communication is not harmful to the environment or
colleagues. If managed correctly, grapevine communication is a
healthy supplement to formal discussions.
I thank you

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