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The meaning of Humanities
The Branches of Humanities
The Nature, meaning and importance
of arts
The subject of arts and its sources
The functions of art

Art Appreciation is an emotional enjoyment of

the extensive study of humanities. It is the
knowledge and understanding of the universal
and timeless qualities characterizing a work of
art. It invokes an analysis established on
acknowledged elements of composition and
principles of design.
Art appreciation is the ability to interpret or
understand man – made arts and enjoy them
either through actual and work experience with
art tools and materials or possession of these
works of art for one’s admiration and
satisfaction. Art appreciation therefore deals
with learning or understanding and creating arts
and enjoying them.
As the word suggests, man is the center of
humanities. The term is derived from the
latin word “humanus” which literally means
human. This concerns humanity; it records
and interprets man’s thinking, feeling,
regrets, aspirations, failures and what he is
supposed to do and not to do in the world.
The term humanities generally refers to
art, literature, music, architecture, dance
and the theatre – areas in which human
subjectivity is emphasized and individual
expressiveness is dramatized. The
importance of human being and his
feelings is the main concern of the
The humanities are therefore, the
record of man’s experiences, his values,
his sentiments, his ideals and his goals.
The humanities are ultimately the
expression of man’s feelings and
During the Renaissance, the word humanities
came to refer to the set of disciplines taught in
the Universities, which included only grammar,
rhetoric, history, literature, music and
philosophy which considers as a body of
knowledge aimed to make a man a full man –
cultured, refined and well – rounded. This
developed from the concept which recognized
man’s essential worth a member of the society.
In this modern world, the humanities
talks about man’s experiences, ideals and
his goals in appreciating the value of
man’s extraordinary talent in the field of
music and dances, practical as well as
the philosophical aspects of human

Humanities can be grouped

generally into three namely
Fine Arts, Practical Arts and
Performing Arts.
Painting – This is a kind of art, which
main process is applying color or
pigments to a surface.
Literature – a kind of art which main
medium are the written words. The
classifications are prose and poetry
 Dancing – combines movements of feet, hands and body in rhythm.
Its aesthetic element is seen on the unity and harmony of movement.
 Ballet – A stage performance of narrating, a story by combining
dance and music without a dialogue.
 Singing/ Music – The art of putting together the sounds in order. Its
mediums are either human voices or instruments, or a combination of
 Movie/Cinema – motion picture that blends together the fundamental
and vital elements of music, painting, literature and music.
 Theatre – another form of stage performance or a play or drama
which basic medium is dialogue.
Sculpture – refers to the breaking, and or piecing
together a hard stone or other shapeable materials
to represent something imagined or real.
Architecture – the art of designing and
constructing a building or other type of structure.
Materials include concrete, brick, wood, steel
glass and plaster.


Art is very important in our lives. It constitutes one of the
oldest and most important means of expression developed
by man. Since men have lived together, art sprung up. In
fact, in nearly every country, art shows itself in primitive
societies. In every age or country, there is always art. A
true work of art is made by man himself not imitatively,
but creatively. A true artist does not imitate nature, but
rather interpret it in his own way by selecting the essential
features of the subject and rejecting the minor ones.

by Juan Luna

Andres Bonifacio Monument

by Guillermo Tolentino
 Art is a term taken from the latin word “artis” which means
craftsmanship, skill, mastery of form, inventiveness and the
association that exist between form and ideas and between
material and tecniques.
 From the Aryan root “ar” which means to join or “put together”.
 From the greek words “artezein” which means to prepare and
arkiskein, meaning to put together.
 Art is a product of man’s need to express himself.- F. Zulueta
 Art is that which brings life in harmony with the beauty of the
world. – Plato
 Art is viewed as a reflection of creative, ingenuity and
inventiveness within a culture. It is seen not only in terms of
its styles and craftsmanship but its functional interaction
with all the elements that constitute human life and culture.
Art started during the primitive time when superstition and
beliefs in the spirits are still very common in every culture.
Art is tribal and indigenous that every ritual and ceremony is
accompanied by dancing, painting, music, and poetry. The
primitive arts is symbolic. For instance, the primitive people
dance to entertain, to worship their gods and goddesses or
to invoke success and blessings.
The Subject of Arts and its
Sources: The
Representational to Non –
Representational forms of
In any art form, be it painting, music, sculpture,
architecture, or the dance- there is always a subject that
serves as the foundations of the creation of the work of art.
The subject of art is varied. a subject of art is anything that
is represented in the artwork. It maybe a person, object,
scene or event.
Artworks that depict something easily recognized by most
people are called representational or objective art. Painting,
sculpture, graphic arts, literature and theatre arts are
generally classified as representational although some
paintings and sculptures are without subjects.
Artworks that have no resemblance to any real
subject are called non – representational or non
– objective arts. They do not represent anything
and they are what they are. They rather appeal
directly to the sense primarily because of the
satisfying organization of the sensuous and
expressive elements
Traditional Sculptures – this particular art have subjects.
When looking at a painting or a statue, one expects to
recognize the subject to know what it is about.(e.g. man,
landscape or animals)
Contemporary Painters – there paintings has an object in
itself. An exciting combination of shapes and colors that
fulfills the aesthetic need without having to represent
images or tell a story.
Modern Painters – have purely visual appeal; so difficult
that literal – oriented spectators cannot appreciate them.
The Functions
of Art
Aesthetic Function – through art, man becomes conscious
of the beauty of nature. He benefits from his own work and
from those done by his fellowmen. He learns to use, love
and preserve them for his enjoyment and appreciation.
Utilitarian Function – with the creation of the various forms
of art, man now lives in comfort and happiness. Through
art, man is provided with shelter, clothing food, light
medicine, beautiful surroundings, personal ornamentals,
entertainment, language, transportation and other
necessities and conveniences of life.
Cultural Function – through the printed matter, art
transmits and preserves skills ad knowledge from one
generation to another. It burden’s one’s cultural
background and makes man more civilized and his life
more enduring and satisfying.
Social Function – through civic and graphic arts, man
learns to love and help each other. International
understanding and cooperation are fostered and nations
become more unified, friendly, cooperative, helpful and
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