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Koas Jaga 17 September 2023

● Name : Tn. L
● Age : 37 years old
● Gender : Male
● Address : Batu
● Arrival date : Monday, 18/09/2023 05.50 WIB
● Incident date : Monday, 18/09/2023 05.30 WIB
● Patient Type : Trauma
Arrival date : Monday, 18/09/2023 05.50 WIB
Incident date : Monday, 18/09/2023 05.30 WIB

MOI: The patient was riding a motorbike wearing a helmet at a speed of 30-50 km/hour
and then the patient was hit by another motorbike from behind. Then the patient
complained of pain in the right shoulder and was go to RSKH.
The patient came to the Karsa Husada Emergency Room on 18/09/2023 at 05.50 WIB
with the main complaint of pain in the right shoulder with a VAS score 9 after being hit from
behind while riding a motorbike. The patient complained of persistent pain, radiating to the
upper right chest and chest pain when taking a deep breath. The patient does not
experience fainting, headache (-), nausea (-), vomiting (-), retrograde amnesia (-).The
patient has not taken any treatment so far.
Identity Examination Initial Diagnosis Action
Airway: Paten -
Patent, gargling (-), stridor (-)
Breathing: Breathing -
Look: symmetrical chest wall movement, lesion (-) spontaneusly
Feel: the patient breathes spontaneously, no
additional breath sounds, rib crepitations (-), step
defect (-)
RR: 24x/minute
SpO2 : 97% on RA
Examination Initial Diagnosis Action
Circulation: - -
BP 132/95 mmHg
HR: 75 x/m
CRT <2s, red warm dry acral
Active bleeding (-)
Disability: - -
GCS 456
PBI 3 mm/3mm, RCL +/+, RCTL +/+
Action : -
Examination Initial Diagnosis Action
Exposure: -
Temperature: 36.2⁰C, CRT<2s

Localist status
Regio Clavicula Dextra Close Fracture -
Look: Edema (-), Eritema (+), deformitas (-) Clavicula dextra
Feel: pain (+), crepitation (+)
Limitation of ROM (+)
Flexion shoulder joint 0-5 degree
Extension shoulder joint 0-5 degree
Rotation interna shoulder joint 0-5 degree
Rotation externa shoulder joint 0-5 degree
Abduction shoulder joint 0-5 degree
Adduction shoulder joint 0-5 degree


GCS: 456
TD: 129/90 mmHg
HR: 68x/menit
RR: 23x/menit
T: 36,2 ⁰ C
SpO2 : 97% on RA
Secondary Survey
Alergi: -
Med: -
Past: -
Last meal: pukul 04.00 WIB
Event: The patient was riding a motorbike wearing a helmet at a speed of 30-50
km/hour and then the patient was hit by another motorbike from behind. Then
the patient complained of pain in the right shoulder and was goto RSKH.
Physical Examination:
TD: 129/90 mmHg
HR: 68x/menit
RR: 23x/menit
T: 36,2 ⁰ C
SpO2 : 97% on RA
HEAD/NECK: Inspection: normal chest wall shape, retraction (-), looks
symmetrical (+/+)
Eyes: Anemic conjunctiva (-/-), icteric sclera (-), Isochor
Palpation: symmetrical D/S chest wall movement
pupil diameter 3mm/3mm, Light reflex direct and indirect
Percussion: sonor all lung fields
Neck : Auscultation: Ves/Ves, rh (-/-), wh (-/-)
Inspection: tracheal deviation (-)
Palpation: enlarged lymph nodes (-) Abdomen:
Auscultation : Bruits (-) Inspection : Flat, injury (-), surgical scar (-)
Auscultation : Bowel sound (+) 17x/minute
THORAX : Percussion : Timpany all abdomen fields
Cor: Palpation : Flat, soft, superficial tenderness (-), deep
Inspection: ictus cordis invisible tenderness (-)
Palpation: ictus cordis palpable at ICS 5 MCL S
Percussion: Right heart border at PSL D ICS 4, left heart Extremities : Dry warm acral, CRT <2 s, pain (+),
border ICS 5 MCL S limitation ROM of region Shoulder dextra (+)
Auscultation: S1 S2 single, regular, murmur (-), gallop (-)

HGB 14.9 g/dL (n 12.3 - 15.3) Hitung Jenis PPT 10.0 detik 9.9-11.8
RBC 5.30 10^6/uL (n 4.1 - 5.1) EO% 2.4 % (n 2 - 4) APTT 29.2 detik 25-31.3
HCT 43.0 % (n 34.0 - 47.0) BASO% 0.5 % (n 0 - 1)
MCV 81.1 fL (n 80.0 - 97.0) NEUT% 73.0 H % (n 50 - 70)
MCH 28.1 pg (n 26.5 - 33.5) LYMPH% 19.0 L % (n 25 - 40)
MONO% 5.1 % (n 2 - 8)
MCHC 354.7 g/dL (n 31.5 - 35.0)
EO# 0.24 10^3/uL
RDW-SD 37.2 fL (n 35 - 47)
BASO# 0.05 10^3/uL
RDW-CV 12.7 % (n 11.5 - 14.5) NEUT# 7.17 10^3/uL
WBC 9.83 10^3/uL (n 4.4 - 11.3) LYMPH# 1.87 10^3/uL
MONO# 0.50 10^3/uL
IG% 1.2 % < 0.5
IG# 0.12 10^3/uL (n < 0.03)
PLT 280 10^3/uL (n 150 - 450)
PDW 11.3 fL (n 10 - 18)
MPV 9.7 fL (n 6.6 - 11)
P-LCR 23.1 % (n 15.0 - 25.0)
PCT 0.27 % (n 0.150 - 0.400)
LED 12 mm/jam (n 0 - 20)
Problem list Definitive Diagnosis Planning Planning Therapy &
Diagnosis Monitoring
Main complaint:pain in the right shoulder
- Pain with a VAS score 9 after being hit
from behind while riding a motorbike
- Persistent pain, radiating to the upper
right chest and chest pain when taking
a deep breath
- Fainting (-), headache (-), nausea (-),
vomiting (-), retrograde amnesia (-)

MOI: was riding a motorbike wearing a

helmet at a speed of 30-50 km/hour and
then the patient was hit by another
motorbike from behind
Problem list Definitive Diagnosis Planning Planning Therapy &
Diagnosis Monitoring
Localist status Close Fracture Xray Shoulder Inj. ketorolac 30 mg
Regio Clavicula Dextra Clavicula Dextra IV
Look: eritema (+), edema (-), deformitas (+) Inj. Ranitidine 50
Feel: pain (+), crepitation (+) mg IV
Limitation of ROM (+)
Flexion shoulder joint 0-5 degree
Extension shoulder joint 0-5 degree
Rotation interna shoulder joint 0-5 degree
Rotation externa shoulder joint 0-5 degree
Abduction shoulder joint 0-5 degree
Adduction shoulder joint 0-5 degree
Xray Shoulder Dextra
(Pre Op-18/9/23)
Xray Shoulder Dextra
(Post Op-18/9/23)
Tn. Latif/ 37 th/3F/ Post ORIF Clavicula D & Closed reduction shoulder D H+1/dr.
Bambang, Sp.OT

S : nyeri di bahu kiri dan punggung, demam -, mual -, muntah -

BP : 121/80 mmHg
HR : 81 x/ menit
RR : 18 x/ menit
T : 36.8°C
SpO2 : 95% on RA
RR : 16x/ menit

Pemeriksaan Fisik
K/L : a/i/c/d -/-/-/-
Tho : ves +/+ rh -/- wh -/-
Cor : S1|S2 tunggal
Abd : soefl, BU +, nyeri tekan -
Ext : AKHM, CRT < 2 s
Status lokalis:
Regio shoulder dextra
L : luka operasi di bahu kanan tertutup kassa
F : nyeri tekan +
M : ROM shoulder abduksi 30°, adduksi 30°
Fleksi 60°, ekstensi: 45°

Post ORIF Clavicula D & Closed reduction shoulder D H+1

Inj. Ceftriaxon 2 x 1 gram
Inj. ketorolac 3 x 30 mg
Inj. ranitidine 2 x 50 mg
Inf. RL 20 tpm

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