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By: Group 1
What is Philosophy?

 Comes from the two Greek words: Philos and Sophia

 The ancient Greeks used this term to refer to “love of
wisdom” and they soon applied it to the study or
 People who engage in philosophy are called
philosophers or “lovers of wisdom.”
 It was quite common to hear of ancient philosophers
who were “experts” in various field of learning.
1. What does it mean to be a lover of wisdom? What
characteristics should a philosopher possess?
2. What other philosophical questions have you
asked yourself? What led you to ponder those
3. do you think that you will be able to figure out the
answers to these philosophical questions? Explain.
The following are the most notable ancient Greek philosophers.

 Pythagoras (570 BCE to 495 BCE)  Heraclitus (535 BCE to 475 BCE)
 Democritus (460 BCE to 370 BCE)  Diogenes of Sinope (412 BCE to 323 BCE)
 Epicurus (341 BCE to 270 BCE)  Socrates (470 BCE to 399 BCE)
 Plato (427 BCE to 347 BCE)  Aristotle (384 BCE to 322 BCE)
Why is there a need to philosophize?

 Philosophers have often wondered and argued about

the role of philosophy in man’s life.
 The Greek Philosopher Plato traced man’s need to
philosophize to his sense of wonder.
 The 15th-century French philosopher Rene Descartes
traced the need to philosophize in doubt.
 The 20th-century Swiss- German Philosopher Karl
Jasper saw the need to philosophize because of

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