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RSE and PSHE at Chingford Foundation School

Ms Willoughby and Mr Taborda

RSE at Chingford Foundation School Parent Consultation

Session Objectives
• RSE is and it’s new statutory status

• context within the school curriculum

• Aims and Ethos

• Parental rights

• Parental engagement and resources

• Sharing schemes of work

• To answer questions from the form shared prior to this consultation

RSE at Chingford Foundation School Parent Consultation

A firm foundation for life:

We believe every student should be given the opportunity to fulfil their potential and
build 'firm foundations' for their future. This includes their personal safety and
Our Chingford Academies Trust Charter describes the importance of relationships and
forms the guiding principles which we work to, each and every one of us, every day.
Our mission is to create a community of learners striving for nothing less than
excellence. The PSHE association concluded that attainment can improve between 10-
11% with a high quality PSHE and RSE program.
Our school values greatly intertwine with RSE and PSHE. We
will create an environment of respect and care and ensure
students have an equal and safe access to education.
We believe that parents have just as much right to expect
good quality teaching in RSE as in other subjects. All teaching
staff at Chingford Foundation School have undergone RSE
training to ensure that we are maintaining high standards.
The information your children receive will be based on training
and knowledge not opinion.
RSE at Chingford Foundation School Parent Consultation

What is RSE?
RSE stands for Relationship and Sex education and sits within the context of PSHE
(Personal, Social, economic and health education).

As of September 2020 it became compulsory for secondary schools to teach sex and
relationship education.

Parents/Carers have the right to withdraw their young person from sex education but
not relationship education. However pupils have the right to opt back into sex
education from 3 terms before their 16th birthday.
RSE at Chingford Foundation School Parent Consultation

The Local context:

The borough of Waltham Forest has higher teen pregnancy rates than Redbridge,
Newham and Tower Hamlets

in 2019 more young people accessed health centres for emergency contraception than
free preventative measures

When asked why pregnancy had occurred the most popular response from young
people was because their partner did not want to use contraception. Other responses
included failed contraception or lack of awareness.
RSE at Chingford Foundation School Parent Consultation

The national picture with children:

Over half of KS3 pupils reported that they felt unconfident talking to a teacher about
unwanted touching/sexual abuse

There was 3 times more peer to peer sexual harassment in 2017

Over half of young people thought women couldn’t get pregnant during their period

Over half of young people said they have been sent or heard of people they know
being sent nude or nearly nude images of someone they know, and some have been
the target.
80% of young people aged 13-17 in the UK have witnessed people their age using
derogatory language to describe girls.

High proportions of young adults, reported that the online imagery they had seen had
given them inappropriate ideas about sexual relations
RSE at Chingford Foundation School Parent Consultation
RSE at Chingford Foundation School Parent Consultation

The conversation continues at home:

Effective RSE is a partnership between parents and schools. Parents need to be given
adequate information about what is taught and when.

School-home communication about RSE should start early so that parents can
anticipate topics covered at school and make their own timely input or follow up at
Here are some great resources you can use:
RSE at Chingford Foundation School Parent Consultation

Our Year 9 Curriculum:

RSE at Chingford Foundation School Parent Consultation

Our Year 9 Curriculum:

RSE at Chingford Foundation School Parent Consultation

Our Year 10 Curriculum:

RSE at Chingford Foundation School Parent Consultation

Our Year 10 Curriculum:

RSE at Chingford Foundation School Parent Consultation

Our Year 11 Curriculum:

RSE at Chingford Foundation School Parent Consultation

Our Year 11 Curriculum:

RSE at Chingford Foundation School Parent Consultation

Answering your questions:

Please can you address the topic of pornography.

My son tells me many of he’s friends are watching
online and we had an interesting conversation.

Pornography and young people’s expectations is covered in Year 9

within the first lesson discussing whether online relationships are
realistic. It is also discussed within the contraception lesson in
Year 10, explaining how online media doesn’t always portray
contraception but this is due to the fact it is unrealistic in nature.
RSE at Chingford Foundation School Parent Consultation

Answering your questions:

We are Christian parents, and so we raise our family
according to the bible, there are elements in this new
curriculum that go against or faith and belief, so my
question is how will the LGBT be taught to my child
that does not offend our beliefs?

For every young person to be prepared for life in modern Britain, it's vital that
their curriculum reflects the full diversity of the world they live in. This includes
teaching about LGBT people and themes. The government guidance requires
teaching in all schools to reflect equality law and says the Department for
Education expects "all pupils to have been taught LGBT content at a timely
point”. According to the DfE this is supported by over 92% of parents. These
topics will be explained by a teacher who has been trained in RSE and will not
be based on opinion, but fact to ensure that “when teaching these subjects, the
religious background of pupils must be taken into account when planning
teaching, so that topics are appropriately handled”
RSE at Chingford Foundation School Parent Consultation

We would like your feedback:

As mentioned, we believe effective RSE is a partnership between parents and schools.
Therefore we would be grateful to receive feedback on topics that you would like to be
covered within our RSE course.

Additionally if you have any other questions that you feel have been left unanswered
you can ask them using the following link:

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