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Life and Works of Rizal
September 28, 2021

Republic Act No.1425
R.A 1425

• Also known as Rizal Law approved in June

12,1956 is an act of mandating all public and
private institutions including state colleges and
universities to include Life and Works of Rizal as
a course across programs
Sen. Jose P. Laurel
Former Philippine President

 It was written by Sen. Jose P.
Laurel with a comprised
(binubuo) version of House Bill
no. 5561 which came out on
April 19, 1956 in the House of
Representatives and Senate bill
no. 428 on April 3, 1956 by then
Committee on Education, led by
Cong. Jacobo Gonzales and
Sen. Claro Recto Known as
Noli-Fili Bill.
The Rizal Law was
 by
Senator Francisco Rodrigo, Senator Mariano J. Cuenco
and Senator Decoroso Rosales. Senator Rodrigo was a
former Catholic Action president while Senator Cuenco
was the brother of an Archbishop. From the lower
house, it was also opposed by Congressmen Ramon
Durano, Jose Nuguid, Marciano Lim, Manuel Zosa,
Lucas Paredes, Godofredo Ramos, Miguel Cuenco,
Congresswomen Carnen Consing and Tecia San Andres

From Bill to a Republic Act

opposed by the Catholic Church

Why was it opposed?


suggested revise the version of
Rizal’s novels but Recto explained:

“ The people who would eliminate the books

of Rizal from the schools would blot out from
our minds the memory of the national hero.
This is not a fight against Recto but a fight
against Rizal” ( Ocampo, 2012, p.23).

Why is Rizal a part of your curriculum?

What are the aims of the Law?

The Rizal Law aims to: 
1. Rededicate the lives of youth to the ideals of
freedom and nationalism, for which our heroes
lived and died.
2. Pay tribute to our national hero for devoting his
life and works in shaping the Filipino character;
3. Gain an inspiring source of patriotism through
the study of Rizal’s life, works, and writings.

Why do we have to study his life?

1. It provides various essential life lessons.

2. The subject provides insight into how we deal with current

3. It helps us understand better ourselves as Filipinos.

4. It teaches nationalism and patriotism.

5. It helps developing logical and critical thinking.

6. Rizal can serve as a worthwhile model and inspiration to
every Filipino.

7. The subject is a rich source of entertaining narratives.

Activity ( By group) Presentation/ sharing by group

Reflect on your secondary education: Did your

school comply with RA 1425? How effective is the
Rizal Law in instilling patriotism among secondary
school students?

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