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Tell the Tale

Lesson Objective
We will engage in creative writing
exercises to practice world-building,
character development, and other
essential skills for writing compelling
fantasy stories.
Key Features of
Elements Fantasy Theme

1 3
Deals with magical and supernatural
elements that are not based in science
Explores universal themes such as
good vs. evil, destiny, and morality

Setting Conflict

2 Takes place in a completely imagined

world, separate from our own 4 Features a battle between good and
evil, with magical creatures playing a
large role
Use the writing prompts and the
illustrations on the following
pages to tell what happens in each
fantasy story.
Tell the Tale
A young apprentice must learn to control
his newly discovered magical powers
before an ancient evil is unleashed.

Writing focus: character development

Tell the Tale
A young orphan discovers she is the
long-lost heir to a powerful throne and
must master her inheritance to reclaim
her rightful place.

Writing focus: character development

Tell the Tale
A powerful dragon terrorizes a medieval
village, and a group of unlikely heroes
must band together to defeat it.

Writing focus: world building

Tell the Tale
A group of friends uncover a hidden
portal to a fantastical realm and must
navigate its dangers to return home.

Writing focus: setting and descriptive language

Tell the Tale
A powerful sorcerer has cursed a
kingdom to eternal winter. A brave
dwarf and orc must find a way to stop
the curse and save the kingdom.

Writing focus: dialogue

Tell the Tale
In a world where magic is outlawed, a
young elf discovers he possesses
incredible magical abilities.

Writing focus: conflict


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