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Economics theory (micro and

macro economics)

Dr. Paheli Nigam

Shri Balaji University, Pune

z to Business economics
Learning objectives

 Introduction to Micro and Macro Economics:

 Demand and Supply Analysis

What is economics?
 The term “economics” comes from the Greek word

 “oikos” meaning house and ” nomos ” meaning custom or Law.

 Economics is defined as a body of knowledge that discusses how a society

tries to solve the human problems of unlimited wants and scarce resources.

 Economics is all about:

 Choices and decisions

 Economics is about Scarcity: resources are limited, wants are unlimited,

resources have alternate uses, therefore choices have to be made

 Economics is about Human actions: Purposeful human behaviour.

 Economics is about trade-off: there’s no such a thing as a free lunch

 So, choices are made on the basis of cost and benefit analysis
(incentives): Opportunity Cost

 Utility : subjective benefit

 Good: (economic good) : something that brings utility to people

 Economics always uses Marginal analysis to make choices: So MU,

MC, MP, MR are important.

 Economics considers productivity/ efficiency: How well we use scarce

resources: maximum output from given specific inputs

 Means/ resources/ inputs : Land, labour, time, money, natural resources like oil
and natural gas etc.

 Markets in economics: goods market, resource market, capital market

 The central problem for any economy: What to product, How to produce, For
Whom to produce

 Branches of Economics: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics

Micro And Macro Economics

Micro Economics
Micro economics The prefix 'micro' is
derived from Greek word 'mikros',
meaning small.

“Micro economics studies the

economic behavior of individual
economic units and individual
economic variables.”

The study of economic behavior of the

households, firms and industries
forms the subject- matter of micro
Micro And Macro Economics

Micro economics is It explains how these

concerned with economic individuals as consumers or
activities of individual households, as resource
economic units as owners and as producers
consumers, resource play their part in the
owners and business working of the whole
firms. economic system.

It revolves around the

interaction of
consumers and
producers in markets.
Micro And Macro Economics

Thus micro economics deals with

Determination of product prices

The allocation of resources among various firms and


It deals with the action and interaction of individual

markets-product and factor markets.

Determination of factor prices and their quantities in the

individual markets
Micro And Macro Economics

Merits of Micro economics-

Micro economics helps in understating the operation of

a free enterprise economy.

It helps the government in establishing the correct


It helps in search of efficient employment of resources.

It helps the producer to achieve maximum productivity

with existing resource.

It helps businessman to make the policies for future

Micro And Macro Economics

Limitations of Micro Economics-

Micro economics does not give us the overview of all pictures of

working of economy

The result which is predicted by microeconomics is not applicable


Micro economics analysis useful only for full employment situation.

Micro economics gives accurate result only in free enterprise system.

Micro And Macro Economics

Macro Economics
The prefix 'macro' is derived from the Greek
word 'makros' meaning, 'large'.

Macro economics is the study of the economy as a


Macro economics " deals with the functioning of

the economy as a whole.
Micro And Macro Economics

Thus macro economics deals with

Balance of trades
National income General price
and balance of
and Output payments

External value of Employment

money Saving and
and economic
Micro And Macro Economics

Importance of Macro Economics-

The variable in the macroeconomics can be

measured statistically and its effect and
functioning on the economy can be found out.

Macroeconomics help government to find

solution to economic problem.

Macroeconomics helps us to understand the

problem of unemployment and to make the
solution to it.
Micro And Macro Economics

It helps to measure the overall performance of the national economy

in regard of economic growth, national income and price level etc.

It helps in understanding the distribution patterns

It helps in evolution of resources and potentiality of the economy

It helps in finding solution to monetary problem of the economy.

Micro And Macro Economics

Limitations of Macro Economics-

Macroeconomics does not

give result in accurate form.

The generalization pattern

is used in the study of
macro analysis and not the
individual study.
Micro And Macro Economics
Sr. No… Micro Macro

It is the study of an individual entities such as It is the study of economy as whole or its aggregate .
individuals, households, firms ,industry etc. in short
It does not give the overall picture of working of an It gives the complete or overall picture of economy

Microeconomics studies the particular market segment Macroeconomics studies the whole economy, that covers
of the economy several market segments

Understanding microeconomics helps a great deal in Macro economics study is vital in the formulation and execution
individual decision making i.e., managerial decision- of economic policies by government.

Its main tools are demand and supply to particular Its main tools are aggregate demand and aggregate supply of
commodity economy as whole.

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