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Development of Transport

Presented by Keerthana M ,
BA ,English !st Year

Dragged, Rolled, Pushed, what

he/She needed to transport

Alone or as group

Early “Roads” were worn Paths

First Vehicle

 Most Like a sled/ Sledge

Man Becomes Mobile

The development of the wheel led to

the development wheeled vehicle
First Roads
 Mesopotamia
 Hard surfaces for
travel purposes
 Most likely packed,
soil, etc
Early Transport

Domostcate Animal Sails

Early Pavement Technology

 Used broken stones in mortar for road way surface

Vehicle Upgrade

New Development
Finding the Way

 Magnetic compass probeply invented in China

 Adopted by European mariners

Getting Steamed
Paving the Way
Riding the Rails
Sailing the seas
The auto Debuts
The Modern Highway
Taking flight
Key Events
Beyond the Earth
What is future of Transport
Sky lifter

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