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Logic Circuits
Learning Objectives
On the successful completion of this session you will be able to:
• Define the combinational circuits
• Explain the half adder
• Explain and differentiate the Encoder and Decoder
• Define the Multiplexer
• Define the sequential circuits
• Define the SR flip flop
• Define the JK flip flop
• Define the D flip flop
• Define the T flip flop
Logic Circuit
• A logic circuit is used in computers to perform
logical operations like AND, OR and NOT on its
two or more input signals. Logical circuit is
mainly of two types:
– Combination Circuit
– Sequential Circuit
Combinational Circuit
• Combinational circuit is a type of
digital logic which is implemented by
Boolean circuits, where the output is a pure
function of the present input only.
• Examples of combinational circuit are half
adder, full adder, decoder, encoder,
multiplexer etc..
Half Adder
• A half adder is a combinational circuit that
adds two binary digits and give output is the
form of sum and carry.
• Encoder is the combinational that used to
perform conversions.
• In computers, encoding is the process of
putting a sequence of characters (letters,
numbers, punctuation, and certain symbols)
into a specialized format for efficient
transmission or storage.
• Encoder has 2n inputs and n outputs
Encoder: block diagram and truth table
Encoder: logic circuit
• Decoder is a combinational circuit that used
for conversions.
• Decoding is the opposite process -- the
conversion of an encoded format back into the
original sequence of characters. Encoding and
decoding are used in data communications,
networking, and storage.
• Decoder has n inputs and 2n outputs.
Decoder: block diagram and logic
Decoder: truth table
Encoder vs Decoder
Decoder Encoder
Decoder has n input lines and 2n output Encoder has 2n input lines and n
lines. output lines.

A decoder is the device or entity that will An encoder is a device or entity that
remove the information from its previously will encode information in a
encoded state and return it to its original particular way; compressing,
format. converting or securing it into a
different format.

Decoders may have more than one input Encoders also may have more than
line active at any given time but only one one input line active and may have
output line will be active. more than one output line active at
any given time.
• In electronics, a multiplexer (or mux) is a device that
selects one of several analog or digital input signals
and forwards the selected input into a single line. A
multiplexer of 2n inputs has n select lines, which are
used to select which input line to send to the output.
Multiplexer: Logic circuit
Sequential Circuit
• Sequential circuit is the type of logic circuit whose output depends
not only on the present value of its input signals but also on the
sequence of past inputs.
• This is contrast to combinational circuit whose output is a function
of only the present input.
• The sequential circuit has state (memory) while combinational
logic does not, in other words sequential logic is combinational
logic with memory.
• Sequential logic is used to construct finite state machines, a basic
building block in all digital circuitry, as well as memory circuits and
other devices. Virtually all circuits in practical digital devices are a
mixture of combinational and sequential logic.
Flip Flops
• Flip flop is a sequential circuit which generally
samples its inputs and changes its outputs
only at particular instants of time and not
continuously. Flip flop is said to be edge
sensitive or edge triggered rather than being
level triggered like latches.
SR Flip Flop
• The SR (Set-Reset) flip-flop is one of the
simplest sequential circuits and consists of two
gates connected. Notice that the output of
each gate is connected to one of the inputs of
the other gate, giving a form of positive
feedback or ‘cross-coupling’.
• The problem with SR flip flop is when both the
inputs S=R=1, the output will be Q=Q’=0, which
is impossible stage called as undefined stage,
JK Flip Flop
• A JK flip-flop has two inputs similar to that of RS flip-
flop. We can say JK flip-flop is a refinement of RS flip-
flop. JK means Jack Kilby, a Texas instrument engineer
who invented IC. The two inputs of JK Flip-flop is J (set)
and K (reset). A JK flip-flop is nothing but a RS flip-flop
along with two AND gates which are augmented to it.
D Flip Flop
• The D flip-flop is a slight modification of the SR
flip-flop by inserting an inverter between S
and R and assigning the symbol D to the single
line to introduce some delay in input so D
stands for data delay.
T Flip Flop
• The T type flip-flop is a single input device: T (trigger). Two
outputs: Q and Q‘
• The operation of the T type flip-flop is as follows: A '0' input to 'T'
will make the next state the same as the present state (i.e. T = 0
present state = 0 therefore next state = 0). However a '1' input to
'T' will change the next state to the inverse of the present state
(i.e. T = 1 present state = 0 therefore next state = 1).
Combinational Circuit vs Sequential
Combinational Circuit Sequential Circuit
The circuit whose output at any instant The circuit whose output at any instant
depends only on the input present at that depends not only on the input present but
instant only is known as a combinational also on the past output are known as
circuit. sequential circuits.

This type of circuits has no memory unit. This type of circuits has memory unit to
store past outputs.

Example of Combinational circuits are half Examples of sequential circuits are flip-flops,
adder, full adder, decoder, encoder and registers, counters etc.
multiplexer etc.
Thank you !

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