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•Life of Buddha/Siddhartha Gautama
•Four Signs
•Four Noble Truths
•Eightfold Path
one of the world’s largest religions and
originated 2,500 years ago in India.

Buddhists believe that the human life is one of

suffering, and that meditation, spiritual and physical
labor, and good behavior are the ways to achieve
enlightenment, or nirvana.

360 million 150 million

-Mongolia, -Myanmar,
China and Thailand and Sri
Japan Lanka
-Major branch of Buddhism
-The “Doctrine of the Elders”
• Life of Buddha
-He was born on 563 B.C.E. in a place called
Lumbini, which soon became a place of
-Suddhodana (aristocratic Hindu chieftain)
-Mahamaya (Koliyan princess)
-at the age of 16, he is married to Princess
-Rahula- his son
• Life of Buddha
-29 years of being a Prince
• Siddharta
(he who achieves his aim)
Great Renunciation

Devil Mara
-greed, hatred, ignorance, jealousy and doubt
-after a deep meditation, he Achieved the
“Absolute awakening”
-that is why he is called the “Awakened one”
-he started to preach under the ruling of King
Bimbisara of Magahda Empire.
- Died at the age of 80 years old cause of
dysentery (food given by the metal worker)
- Cremate after 7 days
• Four Signs (realization)
1. Old man- realized that it is unavoidable
circumstance no matter how unwelcome it is
to a person
2. A sick man- inescapable despite a person’s
relentless effort to avoid any disease
3. Death- inevitable end of all
4. Monk-money can’t buy happiness
Four Noble Truths
First- dukkha- this identifies the origin of the
problem- the truth of suffering
Second- samodaya-truthd of the cause of suffering
Third- truth of the end of suffering, eliminating
craving and desire
Fourth- eightfold path- truth of the path that leads
to the end of suffering- aalisin ang desire at
palayain ang sarili sa anumang sakit

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