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The Four Spheres of Earth

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Earth Spheres Overview
Planet Earth is made up of four overlapping subsystems that
contain all of world’s land masses, water sources, living
organisms, and gases. These four subsystems are known as
Geographers break down the Earth’s systems into four spheres
that make up the world’s air (atmosphere), water
(hydrosphere), land (geosphere), and living organisms
Earth Spheres Overview
Earth can sustain life because:
• It has the perfect distance from the sun.
• The light from the sun can be used for photosynthesis
• It has an atmosphere which has several important gases
like oxygen, which is very important to support life.
• It has both water and air, which are both indispensable for
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The atmosphere is a layer of gases that surrounds
a planet or celestial body.
It is composed of about 78% nitrogen, 21%
oxygen, and one percent other gases.
The atmosphere helps make life possible by
providing us with air to breathe, shielding us
from harmful ultraviolet radiation coming from
the Sun, trapping heat to warm the planet, and
preventing extreme temperature differences
between day and night.
The atmosphere consists of four unique layers:
• Troposphere-is the layer of the Earth’s
atmosphere that humans live and breathe in-
• Stratosphere- is the layer that contains the
Earth’s ozone layer.
• Mesosphere- is the highest layer in which the
gases are still mixed up rather than layered
• Thermosphere-(Outest/highest layer)
Temperatures can reach up to 4,500 Fahrenheit
due to high-energy X-rays and UV radiation from
the Sun
Components of Biosphere.
• Lithosphere-along with the hydrosphere and
atmosphere, is responsible for providing nutrients to
animal life on Earth. The layer offers nutrients to
plants, which convert the same into glucose. This
glucose is derived by higher animals to survive.
• Atmosphere-traps the sun's energy and wards off
many of the dangers of space. It also contains the
oxygen and carbon dioxide, which living things need to
• Hydrosphere-All living species are found in the
biosphere, which is inextricably linked to the other
three spheres; most live organisms require gases from
the atmosphere, water from the hydrosphere, and
nutrients and minerals from the geosphere.
Components of Biosphere.
• Lithosphere-along with the hydrosphere and
atmosphere, is responsible for providing nutrients to
animal life on Earth. The layer offers nutrients to
plants, which convert the same into glucose. This
glucose is derived by higher animals to survive.
• Atmosphere-traps the sun's energy and wards off
many of the dangers of space. It also contains the
oxygen and carbon dioxide, which living things need to
• Hydrosphere-All living species are found in the
biosphere, which is inextricably linked to the other
three spheres; most live organisms require gases from
the atmosphere, water from the hydrosphere, and
nutrients and minerals from the geosphere.
The hydrosphere contains all the water found on our
Hydro means “water.“ The hydrosphere includes the
oceans, rivers, lakes, groundwater, and water frozen in
glaciers. 97% of water on Earth is found in the oceans.
Water is one of the most important substances needed
for life and makes up about 90% of living things.
Without water, life would not be possible.
Only about 3% of the water on Earth is “fresh” water,
and about 70% of the fresh water is frozen in the form
of glacial ice.

Water is found in all three states on Earth which are

gas, liquid, and solid:
• As gas, water is found as water vapor in the
• In liquid form water is found in streams, rivers,
lakes, ponds, and oceans along with mist in the air
and as dew on the surface of the ground.
• Water is found in solid form as ice and snow.
Geo means “earth.” The Earth’s geosphere
(sometimes called the lithosphere) is the portion
of the earth that includes rocks and minerals. It
starts at the ground and extends all the way down
to Earth’s core.
We rely on the geosphere to provide natural
resources and a place to grow food. Volcanos,
mountain ranges, and deserts are all part of the
geosphere. Put simply, without the geosphere,
there would be no Earth!
Geo means “earth.” The Earth’s geosphere
(sometimes called the lithosphere) is the portion
of the earth that includes rocks and minerals. It
starts at the ground and extends all the way down
to Earth’s core.
We rely on the geosphere to provide natural
resources and a place to grow food. Volcanos,
mountain ranges, and deserts are all part of the
geosphere. Put simply, without the geosphere,
there would be no Earth!
Geo means “earth.” The 4,000
Earth’s miles
(sometimes called the below
the issurface
the portion
of the earth that includes rocks and minerals. It
starts at the ground and earth.all the way down
to Earth’s core. Believed to be solid.
We rely on the geosphere of natural
to provide Iron and
resources and a place to grow food. Volcanos,
mountain ranges, and deserts are all part of the
geosphere. Put simply, without the geosphere,
there would be no Earth!
Begins about 1,800
GEOSPHERE miles below the
Geo means “earth.” The Earth’s of the earth.
Made upisofthemelted
(sometimes called the lithosphere) portion
of the earth that includesIron
and Nickel.
minerals. It
starts at the ground and extends all the way down
to Earth’s core.
We rely on the geosphere to provide natural
resources and a place to grow food. Volcanos,
mountain ranges, and deserts are all part of the
geosphere. Put simply, without the geosphere,
there would be no Earth!
Is a layer of silicate rock between
the crust and the outer core, with
a thickness of 2,900 kilometers
making up about 84% of Earth's
Geo means “earth.” The Earth’s geosphere
(sometimes called the lithosphere) is the portion
of the earth that includes rocks and minerals. It
starts at the ground and extends all the way down
to Earth’s core.
We rely on the geosphere to provide natural
resources and a place to grow food. Volcanos,
mountain ranges, and deserts are all part of the
geosphere. Put simply, without the geosphere,
there would be no Earth!
It is a mechanically weak and
ductile region of the upper mantle
of Earth
Geo means “earth.”and
(sometimes plate
called tectonics ismotion.
the lithosphere) the portion
of the earth that includes rocks and minerals. It
starts at the ground and extends all the way down
to Earth’s core.
We rely on the geosphere to provide natural
resources and a place to grow food. Volcanos,
mountain ranges, and deserts are all part of the
geosphere. Put simply, without the geosphere,
there would be no Earth!
It is composed of the crust and
the lithospheric mantle, the
Geo means “earth.” The Earth’s geosphere
topmost portion of the upper
(sometimes called the lithosphere) is the portion
of the thatincludes
earth that behaves
rockselastically onIt
and minerals.
starts scales
at the groundofand
to thousands
all the wayof
to Earth’s
or more
We rely on the geosphere to provide natural
resources and a place to grow food. Volcanos,
mountain ranges, and deserts are all part of the
geosphere. Put simply, without the geosphere,
there would be no Earth!
Continental crust is the layer of
igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary
rocks that forms the geological
Geo means “earth.”
continents and the Theareas
(sometimes called the lithosphere) is the portion
seabed close
of the earth thattoincludes
their shores,
rocks andknown
continental shelves.
starts at the ground and extends all the way down
to Earth’s core.
We rely on the geosphere to provide natural
resources and a place to grow food. Volcanos,
mountain ranges, and deserts are all part of the
geosphere. Put simply, without the geosphere,
there would be no Earth!
Is the uppermost layer of the oceanic
portion of the tectonic plates. It is
is theoflayer of igneous,
composed the
upper oceanic crust
with pillow lavas andand sedimentary
a dike complex, and
theGeo rocks
lower that
means forms
“earth.” crust,the geological
The Earth’s geosphereof
troctolite, calledand
gabbro, the the areas of
ultramafic is the portion
of the earth that
shallow includes
seabed rockstoand
close minerals. It
starts at the ground and extends all the way down
shores, known as continental
to Earth’s core.
We shelves.
rely on the geosphere to provide natural
resources and a place to grow food. Volcanos,
mountain ranges, and deserts are all part of the
geosphere. Put simply, without the geosphere,
there would be no Earth!
The Four Spheres of Earth
The spheres interact to effect Earth’s systems and
processes, and they are constantly changing each other.
For example, ocean currents (hydrosphere) affect
air temperature (atmosphere): The Gulf Stream is a
powerful water current in the Atlantic Ocean. It’s warm
water moderates the temperatures on the east coast of the
The Four Spheres of Earth
Another example of how the spheres affect each other is
through erosion. Erosion happens in the desert when wind
(atmosphere) shapes the sand in the geosphere. Water
(hydrosphere) can also shape land, such as in the formation
of the Grand Canyon.
The Four Spheres of Earth

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