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Grupo: Joaquin Tioni, Agustin Farias

Personal information
• His name is William Bruce Rose Jr. And his
nikname is Axl Rose
• He is 61 years old, his birthday is on february 6,
and he was born in 1962
• He is from America (U.S.A), He lives in Malibú,
California, his place of origin is, Lafayette, indiana
• His family is made up of, his mother: Sharon
Elizabeth Rose, his father: William Bruce Rose
• Ocupation: he is a Singer, he is a composer and
Physichal description
He measures 1.75 meters, he weighs
78 kilograms
He has got blue eyes, his hair color is
blond with a little redhead, he is
stuffed, he has médium long hair
Likes, Abilites and Favorites
• Likes (+): he like sing, he likes to drink and he likes
to smoke
• Likes (−): he does not like to compare this clothin
with that of Bon Jovi, he doesnt like to be
recorded and he doesnt like to remember his
• Abilites (+): he can sing, he can play piano and he
can compose
• Abilites (−): he cant play bajo and he cant dance
• Favorites: his favorite band is queen, his favorite
food is breaded chicken and his idol is Freddie
He is:

He is singing:

He is playing
He is playing
the piano:

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